gold in house and commodity deed / box



I've been searching this forum about commodity box / deed

But couldnt find the answer.

I've been storing my gold in my house for a while.

Now I would like to transfer 70k of gold from my house to my bank.

My friend lent me a commodity box with a commodity deed.

But I can't find how to make it work.

I put my gold in the commodity box, use the commodity deed and target the gold.

But it says "this is not a commodity for bankers".

Erm... yeah ? But I need to transfer that money from house to bank :(

Any idea please ?


Dwyane Wade

1. make a macro to double click a gate, convert to double click by type
2. open a gate from the gold pile in your house
3. release gold
4. pick up gold
5. press play on macro



1. make a macro to double click a gate, convert to double click by type
2. open a gate from the gold pile in your house
3. release gold
4. pick up gold
5. press play on macro

With a stack of 60k you can just stick on ground, port, take 1 step, grab gold, step into port, bank. I dont think any reason to make a macro...if it was more weight and you couldnt take the step, but 1 pile of gold is easy. Lol it seems people use macros for everything, I never thought of a macro for this. Sounds like a good idea for moving those huge stacks, and chests.


60k dont fit in your backpack, the container cannot hold it.

i cant gate.

so I my miner helped me with his bonded packhorse so he can recall with it. :)

thx btw


Or you could have just recalled 4 times with 15k each time and been done in 20 seconds. 15k is the max you can carry I believe


...or you could just create a gate macro like a pro and gate your goods/gold out. There is no replacement for a gate enter macro - period.


another idea was to walk from my house to brit, just dragin and droping the gold stack from tile to tile.

if someone comes around, i drop a cloth on top of it to hide it.

ok was just joking.

so yeah finally the 15K in backpack and recall from house to bank or the bonded pack horse able to recall are the right answers I think.


everyone did it i think (dragin and droping tile to tile), well the other day I've seen it in brit, a poor guy was doing this with a bag of things and it was clear that for him each meter from the bank box was a real epic action


//Enter Gate Macro//
if @findtype 0xf6c 'any' 'ground' 1 2
sysmsg 'Moongate found, lets go!' 80
useobject! 'found'
if @inregion 'guards'
waitforgump 3716879466 2000
replygump 3716879466 1
sysmsg 'Moongate not found, come closer.' 24

Paste this into uosteam and set a hotkey, make a gateway, hold the item in your cursor and hit the hotkey button that you set. say bank and drop the item in your bank. Rinse and repeat. If you do not use uosteam download and install it. Razor is an inferior uo assist.