Help with BOD pricing


Hey guys!

I'm looking for some help with pricing my Tailoring & Blacksmithing BODS. However I havent been able to find any information on some of the material types.

Does anyone have a link or a list of pricing that they use when selling bods?



To be honest, it is a tough call. usually depends on the LBOD associated with the sBOD. for example, i don't sell SBODs for an ancient hammer for very much. For an SBOD around 120 BS, there is good value, but i work with the other person interested for similar or like for like trades.

Chain sBODs will be more expensive typically than plate SBODs as the smith has to fill more parts for same reward (when cross over).



I figured the prices would be more determined on the LBOD.

The reason I'm looking for average pricing is that I have well over 1000 BODs, and I have the time to price them on a vendor, but I'm not usually in-game enough to be able to be online for PM's and such. Maybe I'll have to surf the forums for the price of the rewards and just divide it by the amt of sBOD's in the LBOD. Thanks BeerJedi!


If anyone has pricing information please feel free to let me know


Here's the best way to price. Get a good avg price on the reward for the completed LBoD. Divide that number by the number of individual bods(including the lbod) plus 1. This tells you the price per sBOD. Double that price for the LBoD. Easy peasy.


Here's the best way to price. Get a good avg price on the reward for the completed LBoD. Divide that number by the number of individual bods(including the lbod) plus 1. This tells you the price per sBOD. Double that price for the LBoD. Easy peasy.

X = reward, Y = number of BODs used

X/(Y+1)=price per sBOD
(X/[Y+1])2=price per LBOD


Those formulas are great, however, i think they're missing a key component.

My reasoning: If the BOD reward is worth 150k on average (arbitrary number) and i'm focused on collecting the pieces for a Chain BOD - by your formula for the 3 smalls, i pay 90k total (30k each) and for the Large i pay 60k. And now I've spent 150k before i've sunk any material costs to produce the reward. If i've produced it for consumption then might as well have bought the reward outright (and found it cheaper).

While it is rare for a person to purchase ALL the parts, it still needs ot be factored. I'd take into account you want your buyer to get value out of the purchase (not just break even). You're gaining value as you didn't work the materials or go searching for the other parts.

If the end reward average is 150k, then set your overall value for the formula around 100 - 120k, you're still making pure profit while providing room for manuevering to your customer.


Those formulas are great, however, i think they're missing a key component.

My reasoning: If the BOD reward is worth 150k on average (arbitrary number) and i'm focused on collecting the pieces for a Chain BOD - by your formula for the 3 smalls, i pay 90k total (30k each) and for the Large i pay 60k. And now I've spent 150k before i've sunk any material costs to produce the reward. If i've produced it for consumption then might as well have bought the reward outright (and found it cheaper).

While it is rare for a person to purchase ALL the parts, it still needs ot be factored. I'd take into account you want your buyer to get value out of the purchase (not just break even). You're gaining value as you didn't work the materials or go searching for the other parts.

If the end reward average is 150k, then set your overall value for the formula around 100 - 120k, you're still making pure profit while providing room for manuevering to your customer.
No you are right and thats where you figure in the average price -- not the max price someone would pay. You could even take the low end price and build your prices from there. I use the average price because that typically saves the buyer from having to pay a premium but it still nets me some cash. If I have a BoD that's hard to sell, I might move it down to the lower price rank.

Again, this is just my logic and works for me.


agreed, I was providing counter points for Mango. I think your breakdown was nice and clean to be quite honest.



small bods 5k..
do all normal 20s= ( t2 cloth, bloodred and mika)
do all 20 exp spined and anything else that rewards t5 cloth

do all large clothing bless deed BODs and sell the rest for 10k unless you need the reward

and save all 15exp spined because there used for the 115 power scrolls.. any I do sell, I usually do for 20 to 25k.. but iv been offered 50k each