Help with kegs


Hey all
Was wondering if any of you had a Macro for making empty kegs..... Im not the Best with macroes and this i cant seem to work out how to do it unless i want to remake the macro each time a tool breaks
(Making kegs by hand is quite boring :p)


// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Empty Keg Crafting Macro

// Author: Bane


// Setup:

// - Create an organizer agent named: EmptyKegRestock. It should stock

// 100 ingots, 100 boards, and 50 bottles.

// - Need an empty container that is not in your backpack to set as the

// "FinishedEmptyKegStorage"

// - Need a chest with all your materials

// Assumptions:

// - You have the required skills to make an empty potion

// keg and all required parts.



// Set up finished keg storage

promptalias 'FinishedEmptyKegStorage'


// Set up material storage container

if not @findalias 'MaterialStorage'

promptalias 'MaterialStorage'



// Open container

useobject 'FinishedEmptyKegStorage'

pause 1000


// Open container

useobject 'MaterialStorage'

pause 1000


// Saw tool graphic id 0x1034


// Tinker Tool graphic id 0x1eb8


// Set up bottle graphic id 0xf0e


// Set up board graphic id 0x1bd7


// Ingot graphic id 0x1bf2


// Keg graphic id 0x1940


// Barrel Stave Graphic Id 0x1eb1


// Barrel Lid Graphic Id 0x1db8


// See if container is at max capacity

while counttype 0x1940 'any' 'FinishedEmptyKegStorage' < 124

// check stock levels, first ingots, then boards, then bottles

// We only require 7 ingots to craft keg but we also need it for tools

// CountType will not work with OR/AND conditionals after statement )=

// so we got a big if/elseif statement

if counttype 0x1bf2 'any' 'backpack' < 30

// Try to get more materials

organizer 'EmptyKegRestock' 'MaterialStorage' 'backpack'

while organizing

pause 100


elseif counttype 0x1bd7 'any' 'backpack' < 27

// Try to get more materials

organizer 'EmptyKegRestock' 'MaterialStorage' 'backpack'

while organizing

pause 100


elseif counttype 0xf0e 'any' 'backpack' < 10

// Try to get more materials

organizer 'EmptyKegRestock' 'MaterialStorage' 'backpack'

while organizing

pause 100



// Check stock levels again

// CountType will not work with OR/AND conditionals after statement )=

// so we got a big if/elseif statement

if counttype 0x1bf2 'any' 'backpack' < 30

// Still don't have enough exit


elseif counttype 0x1bd7 'any' 'backpack' < 27

// Still don't have enough exit


elseif counttype 0xf0e 'any' 'backpack' < 10

// Still don't have enough exit




// Barrel Staves - need 3

while counttype 0x1eb1 'any' 'backpack' < 3

usetype 0x1034 'any' 'backpack'

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 1

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 2

waitforgump 0x38920abd 5000

// There is sometimes a slight delay before item makes it into pack

pause 500



// Barrel Lids - need 2

while counttype 0x1db8 'any' 'backpack' < 2

usetype 0x1034 'any' 'backpack'

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 1

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 9

waitforgump 0x38920abd 5000

// There is sometimes a slight delay before item makes it into pack

pause 500



// Barrel Hoop - need 1

while counttype 0x1db7 'any' 'backpack' < 1

usetype 0x1eb8 'any' 'backpack'

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 15

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 37

waitforgump 0x38920abd 5000

// There is sometimes a slight delay before item makes it into pack

pause 500



// Barrel Tap - need 1

while counttype 0x1004 'any' 'backpack' < 1

usetype 0x1eb8 'any' 'backpack'

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 15

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 16

waitforgump 0x38920abd 5000

// There is sometimes a slight delay before item makes it into pack

pause 500



// Carp Keg Assembly

while counttype 0xe7f 'any' 'backpack' < 1

usetype 0x1034 'any' 'backpack'

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 15

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 163

waitforgump 0x38920abd 5000

// There is sometimes a slight delay before item makes it into pack

pause 500



// Tinker Potion Keg Assembly

usetype 0x1eb8 'any' 'backpack'

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 43

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 44

waitforgump 0x38920abd 5000

// There is sometimes a slight delay before item makes it into pack

pause 500


// Craft more tinker tools if we need them

while counttype 0x1eb8 'any' 'backpack' < 4

usetype 0x1eb8 'any' 'backpack'

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 8

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 23

waitforgump 0x38920abd 5000

// There is sometimes a slight delay before item makes it into pack

pause 500



// Craft more carp tools if we need them

while counttype 0x1034 'any' 'backpack' < 4

usetype 0x1eb8 'any' 'backpack'

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 8

waitforgump 0x38920abd 15000

replygump 0x38920abd 51

waitforgump 0x38920abd 5000

// There is sometimes a slight delay before item makes it into pack

pause 500



// just in case we hit a world save and a move is aborted.

while counttype 0x1940 'any' 'backpack' > 0

// Move crafted keg to storage.

movetype 0x1940 'backpack' 'FinishedEmptyKegStorage'

// Loop until we are done moving item

pause 1000

