Hue 43 web (orange) from Evil Pumpkin


Got lucky enough to snag this from the Evil Pumpkin boss following the IDOC last night. Will post a picture when I get home. Just curious if this is a one of a kind item and how much it might go for?

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added image, but honestly not currently looking to sell yet just curious what it might fetch in the future. gambling on whether or not this stays as a 'one of a kind' rare or gets used at other halloween events this month.


I doubt it. Probably not yet anyway.

Karl is just a cynic when it comes to rares and rightfully so.

They dropped during that "special" dragon RDA that staff spawned at Brit Bank on Saturday night (euro time). Karl is right.
Needless to say i got top score at an RDA with 50 people and didn't get shit. Thank you.