I would like to see a Jackpot on the poker tables.

I've seen the jackpot on other shards and it's nice winning the jackpot if you lost all your money at least u have something to look forward to instead of blowing your brains out.


They thought about a jackpot when poker came in initially and it was decided they were just going to do a rake for a gold sink


Don't really need a jackpot like a traditional one but an additional rake to add to a bad beat..... Say a losing hand is aces over kings losing to a 4 of a kind or something this will maybe increase the amount of poker play.


There is way too much out of whack with the basics ATM. No way we need to add anything until fixing hand rotation, coming in before blinds and costing big blind several blinds in a row as people join, all-in button, being able to raise to all-in, not having to figure out how much to raise based on the big blind.