i would like


1. Is it possible to turn all the cities into a no cut zone. I always like to watch and learn the pvp field fights in town.

2. Enable guild members to see fellow guild members stealthing, sometimes we have more than ten orcs on and we always tripping over each other.

3. Allow stealther to have more than 10 armor points without failing to stealth. We have no survival rate against energy vortex and get two shotted by ppl. I know there is a macro to dress and undress but in the fast pace of oh shit here they come hide undress stealth doesnt usually go well.


Never got the under 10 armor to stealth here. I recall my stealthier on prodo shards had maybe 85 stealth and could wear full barbed leathers. Only when I wore metal armor did I have the chance to randomly fail. But since orcs wear ringmail (?) wouldn't 20-30 at GM stealth be reasonable?


it would sound reasonable but peppy said no to the armor increase. guess we orcs be using just 2 piece of vendor bought armor instead of armors donated to us from other players. max at 32 ar would be more than enough for us but oh well......


Skah ! Tou bad. Desn't effekt da ork klomp en krimp. Des effekt orks's styck arend and fygt chences HAR!

It net easee beyng green!


@kagun You should be able to see each other hidden while in party mode. i am not sure the max party amounts allowed, perhaps the real problem there?


Stealth assassins definitely need some type of love. It would force a reason to GM stealth instead of locking it at 80. It shouldn't be about how high the AR is, but should be about what type of armor the stealthier is wearing. If you can meditate in it, you should be able to stealth in it.


to evilacid party of 10 we able to see stealth just fine its just sometimes we get like more than 10 orcs who want to go klomping and we have to form seperate parties but we tend to walk over each other since we cant see the other party members hence make stealth visible to guild within guild.