

New Member
Stumbled across this game in a reddit thread - couldn't believe that there was an instance of UO similar to what I played so many years ago! I started in '98 when I was just 13, and as a huge fan of the Ultima series, I was pumped to get to play with other people. Turns out 13 year old me wasn't quite prepared for the crushing brutality of losing all of your stuff to Pk's all the time, and so I only played for a year or so. I still have fond memories though (and maybe some not so fond memories) and was excited to get a chance to come back and play!

I'm curious about melee templates for PvM- are they viable? It seems like a large majority of the recommendations on here are to go Provocation archer or mage for PVM. I'm still getting the hang of the game and trying out different stuff, but I would like to start getting a little more direction for my first char, and I really enjoy the melee, but dont want to get to GM in everything and find out I'm slaughtered by everything!


Welcome to the shard. A lot of people on here played way back when and it's still just as awesome. Melee templates can be good but it doesn't get really good until you gain your talisman and apply some relics. A parry swordsman or lumberjack axxer are good templates but any weapon can be substituted. With the addition of slayers, talisman and relics; melee can be viable and fun to play. I have a provo acher and a parry swordsman; both are fun to play. My provo archer I feel is a bit more versatile though, you can kill more high end mobs with provo but I also die alot. Provo chars are pretty squishy due to low armor and no magic resist.