Legendary Crafting


Ok so I have embarked upon legendary crafting. Now I have to start filling in the pieces.

Currently this is what I know any input would be greatly appreciated!

Silver Suit of Armor
10 pieces of ancient armor (drops of Khaldun Cultists? anyone confirm?)
20 stacks of ingots

Golden Suit of Armor
same ingredients as silver suit - see above

A cannon fuse- no idea where this comes from
stack of logs
muzzle packer- no idea where this comes from
stack of ingots

Dimensional Archway
3 pieces of enchanted marble- Can anyone verify what it drops off of?

Im still missing the seer ball- if anyone could add to would be great. Additionally I would be interested in purchasing the recipe.


Those are crafted from the soul forge. Im trying to put together another Legendary Hammer to see if anything can be crafted with it since the soulforge ate my last one lol. There's a little guide that shows a different gump than what I have so Im not sure.


Those are crafted from the soul forge. Im trying to put together another Legendary Hammer to see if anything can be crafted with it since the soulforge ate my last one lol. There's a little guide that shows a different gump than what I have so Im not sure.

Are arch ice fiends still the best bet for the hammer shards?


@Gambrinus That's where I get mine, since the garg alchemists are MIA and the old MotM guy Madrak the Warlock doesn't spawn anymore. (at least I haven't seen um)


All of the recipes/ingredients are drops from champs/RDA bosses just like powerscrolls. Pretty slim chance for ingredient/recipe drops from the bosses, not sure of exact % tbh but I think it's like 3-4%.

Radar Mile

All of the recipes/ingredients are drops from champs/RDA bosses just like powerscrolls. Pretty slim chance for ingredient/recipe drops from the bosses, not sure of exact % tbh but I think it's like 3-4%.

I remember reading somewhere it's a 10% chance to drop rare items like dragon eggs (bahamut), meta relics, crafting recipes, etc. I'm assuming it's a 10% chance to proc and if it does it drops ONE of those items.


Hrmmm you may be right, Radar.

I do seem to remember reading 1-2% chance to drop rares like the "whole" ginseng and mandrake root which are like server birth rares. But that came from a player not from staff so not sure about that, as in this case I was very likely wrong in the numbers I gave.

Either way we know it's a relatively small %.