Linked boxes?


Many people have multiple houses at this point, and we have linked teleporters to Port from house to house. How about a set of linked chests or boxes. Together they hold the same items/weight (not a combination of the 2.)

This would allow people to drop off items at one house and access them in another saving multiple trips for some items.

Any thoughts?


actually I really like this idea as well - I'm forever playing the shell game with things like reagents for different crafting areas in my house (inscription, potions, regular use). Gold sink baby! would you pay 500k for this? I would..


I agree with the shell game as well! Such a hassle!

Maybe useful with trading items as well? Well if you can trust the buyer/seller. Guilds could really use this I am sure.


No no no. A bank box is linked to any bank in game. This would be just 2 boxes that share item contents. I mean I guess you could leave one in your bank box and one in your home, but this could be curbed by requiring the box to be locked down to work, much like the commodity deed box now.

2 boxes 125 items total opening either box alows you to access the content. Box can not be blessed (for reasons of dungeon crawling with a secure container.)

Place "box a" in house 1, Place "box b" in house 2. Now when you are in house 1 you can put items in box a and go to house 2 and retrieve items from box b.

If it's a resource issue make it count towards house storage.


hmm interesting take on putting one in your pack - would definitely need to find a way to not allow that, that's far too easy for people to minimize risk while in dungeons. Also putting one in bank box to transfer goods while it would be super convenient, in my eyes, negates the need for a bank box, so would be an idea killer for me.

Couple of questions:
Can only 2 chests be linked ?
Can the chests be locked down in different houses and still work?


To avoid using from bank box or in a dungeon make them only usable when locked down. You can keep them blessed this way but not abusable. There are commodity boxes now that work this way you can make and cash commodity deeds in your house but the box must be locked down to use. If I am not mistaken rune boxes and crystal workbenches don't work unless locked down either.

As for 2 different house, that's the point. Lessen the burden of manually transporting goods! If anything this would free up server storage space. Right now one box can hold 125 items with this box it would use 125 items at each lock down location so 125 at hose a and 125 at house b?

Lastly I would say only 2 boxes linked but that would be up to @Shane or @epppy to decide if they want this at all. But I guess there would be no reason you couldn't buy multiple and keep them close? 2 sets would let you link all 3 houses assuming you had 1 for each account. This would be a great gold sink item as I am sure some people may want multiples sets, one for home a to home b, one from home a to home c, one from home b to home c, one from home to guild, etc.


I personally would love multiple sets - with my two work areas in my house, and my regular reagent storage, and my other home reagent storage, I could link 4 boxes, and have one storage of regs! I could get away with just two linked boxes though. I think it's a great idea, would love to see something like this.


To play devil's advocate with my own idea...

The concern I have is people locking themselves away in thier houses. Now they have to travel a bit to bring supplies from one location to another. Although this is minimal as most people have at least one too they can gate with.