WTS Max level meta steed and dragon (9 rollovers)


Dragon is haly blue, 9 rollovers (will listen to commands around 95% of the times, can be used for pvp if that's your thing), QS, molten, bloody and nox at level 10

Steed is hue 61 (booger, zombie land event color, not obtainable) mammal, only 2-3 on server (lots more reptiles) and i think it's the only one at max level (hue 61 charger of the fallen looks dope). Bloody and Paralytic at level 10. 3 rollovers (not that it matters on steeds)

meta stones are included (or i will detract 2.2m from the winning bid if you don't want it)

Dragon sb 25m bo 28m

Steed sb 25m bo 30m
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