Meta pet paranoia


Yes, your OP had nothing to do with donos.

I mean the idea was kinda bad to begin with but someone brought up the dono aspect which was addressed.

No sweat man.

Make metas release after one month maybe?


Does 48h seem so obscene? Or Are you just being a dick?

I mean, Who would it hurt? No one

Who would it benefit? At least 1/4th of the shard


Tried and true 12hrs is plenty fair.

Players who get metas trapped without balling them are the one's that are clinically insane. Even 24hrs without being able to use another 3 slot is too much.

If you forget and leave your pet out for more than 10 hrs it's on you and you deserve no safety net.

And if something happens and you can't make it to your pet within 12hrs then you have bigger issues than losing your pet.


It's not about dono or any of that bs.

It's about a pet worth 25+ milz that Can get lost in <12h which is totally stupid. A 30x30 costs the same but it takes 1 month to go idoc

The pet is only worth 25 mil cause you say it is... there is no set vender price for a meta pet. Only the meta ball and or dye (if applied) have a set value. If the UOF economy was to crash due to supply / demand, or another shinny comes out the value of your 25 mil meta could be worthless over night.

Now that said......... What you are talking about is the fact that, you as a player, forget to stable a pet and it goes wild in X amount of time. This is no different than any other player forgetting to lock down an item of value in their home and it disappears in X amount of time. I can't go to Shane and say "Hey Shane I forgot to lock down my 1 of a kind item that is worth 25 mil plus and it decayed, can you change the decay time so it wont happen?"

If I was to argue any point here it would be that maybe they should look at an item that decays (or is lost in this case) because of the involvement of another griefing player... as is the case of pet trapping. There is no way they should change the fact that items are lost because players forgot about them.
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Yeah items on the ground should not decay for at least 72-96 hrs.


Pet trapping I'd say is almost moot at this point because of the message you receive when you retrieve your pets from stables. I could take or leave that warning, but the fact remains that it is there reminding you to ball your pets.


The pet is only worth 25 mil cause you say it is... there is no set vender price for a meta pet. Only the meta ball and or dye (if applied) have a set value. If the UOF economy was to crash due to supply / demand, or another shinny comes out the value of your 25 mil meta could be worthless over night.

Now that said......... What you are talking about is the fact that, you as a player, forget to stable a pet and it goes wild in X amount of time. This is no different than any other player forgetting to lock down an item of value in their home and it disappears in X amount of time. I can't go to Shane and say "Hey Shane I forgot to lock down my 1 of a kind item that is worth 25 mil plus and it decayed, can you change the decay time so it wont happen?"

If I was to argue any point here it would be that maybe they should look at an item that decays (or is lost in this case) because of the involvement of another griefing player... as is the case of pet trapping. There is no way they should change the fact that items are lost because players forgot about them.

Except i claim and stable my pet multiple Times a day, on the other hand i might lock down and release any item in my house 2-3 Times a year at best?

Seriously this comparison is so stupid it makes me wonder if you just donate or actually play the game


Really not that stupid of a comparison. Make a mistake suffer the consequences.

Look, we all play by the same rules and I'm not saying you can't ask for change. Just make sure that you're doing it for the right reasons.

The risk of losing your pet has been well-established, especially now with that stable warning. When you, nay, when anyone decided to commit to a meta they knew the risks and must have been o.k. with them or they wouldn't participate in the first place. If not that's their fault for ignoring the signs and the guards in place.

In the event of a catastrophe you can have someone else log into your account to stable your pet. I got people I can call, man. Otherwise any meta lost was due to poor decision making and you'll get no sympathy from me.


Except i claim and stable my pet multiple Times a day, on the other hand i might lock down and release any item in my house 2-3 Times a year at best?

Seriously this comparison is so stupid it makes me wonder if you just donate or actually play the game

It's unfortunate that you feel exceptions should be made because you place so much value on an item. If you had of come here and justified the value based on time spent levelling then you might have gotten more compassion from me. Too many of us have seen our wealth disappear do to changes to the game to be overly concerned about other players loosing things because of carelessness.

PS 171 days of account (non AFK) play time :p
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It's unfortunate that you feel exceptions should be made because you place so much value on an item. If you had of come here and justified the value based on time spent levelling then you might have gotten more compassion from me. Too many of us have seen our wealth disappear do to changes to the game to be overly concerned about other players loosing things because of carelessness.

Hell take a look at @God.RG lost his house because he forgot to refresh it even tho he used the telaporters daily. "Shit happens" was his quote.
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The "we all play by the same rules" reasoning is bullshit, we do not all play by the same rules, go check all the forums on rule breaking getting overlooked for favorited guilds.


Yeah that illustrates a point I forgot to make earlier:

If losing a dragon, albeit an expensive one, is enough to make you quit UO then you either aren't bringing much to the table or you are rather fragile and were gonna find something else to let defeat you anyway.

That's not to say GTFO we are better off without you. Just a reminder to harden up and/or broaden your horizons.

Players with meta pets should not be coddled.


The "we all play by the same rules" reasoning is bullshit, we do not all play by the same rules, go check all the forums on rule breaking getting overlooked for favorited guilds.

Totally different thread topic............ and a good one for sure!!


The "we all play by the same rules" reasoning is bullshit, we do not all play by the same rules, go check all the forums on rule breaking getting overlooked for favorited guilds.
Well rules that need to be enforced by staff is not what I meant, sorry. By that I really meant game mechanics that cannot be circumvented, be it exploits or preferential treatment or whatever. We are all subject to them the same.

Sadly rule enforcement is not as black and white as fucking up vs not fucking up in the game. Lotta grey area when you add people and history to the equation unfortunately :(


indeed most of the houses are cheaper than meta pets, house - 30 days life
and if suddenly due to lags throw me out of the game, without saving my pet,
then parents force me to go to the dacha - to plant potatoes
when I come home, my pet will be gone, and how I'm going farm gold for pvp? :( ;)


indeed most of the houses are cheaper than meta pets, house - 30 days life
and if suddenly due to lags throw me out of the game, without saving my pet,
then parents force me to go to the dacha - to plant potatoes
when I come home, my pet will be gone, and how I'm going farm gold for pvp? :( ;)

If you had the ability to mothball your house I'm sure a 12 hours rule would apply to it.... but you cant so it's 30 days! Obviously there is a big difference between the two.

a magical man

don't invest in so much if you can't handle it, meta pets are OP and just like any other pet get the equal amount of problems I personally would be angry too but there are many things a player can do in order to make sure your pets safe

a magical man

indeed most of the houses are cheaper than meta pets, house - 30 days life
and if suddenly due to lags throw me out of the game, without saving my pet,
then parents force me to go to the dacha - to plant potatoes
when I come home, my pet will be gone, and how I'm going farm gold for pvp? :( ;)
cant kill people with houses