Mind giving some house design advice?


No it's the same one, other design which haven't committed to yet. Might destroy it and start over 30 times, like I did with every house I bought x)

Thought I could just re-design my house instead of selling it since the reason I posted it was that I got bored with having the same house for too long (3 weeks :p ).


How much for just the plot so u canstop designing lol then hen i get more cash i design it andget help from you ;)


No, reason I do that is that there are always people complaining they can't custom their own houses, and they want help but... to help someone customize a home they need to transfer it to you. Noone wants to do that, too risky. So I sell my house customised, to help them and also because I hate walking around the map and tumble upon a fucking eyesore!


Also cause it bores me to live in the same design for a month.

THAT BEING SAID, as I said, everything I have is for sale at the right price, but I'm not asking any specific price. If you really want this plot, make an offer I can't refuse, but you will end up overpaying.

My offer now is my house, as is, at a very reasonable price. At 1.4 I don't make a single gold coin of profit for the time I spent on it.

THAT BEING SAID #2, this thread was supposed to let people comment the design in the OP :p