Mining Sand

For that select few of us who actually enjoy mining, it seems most would agree mining sand is not an efficient way to spend your time, if you are interested in making a profit. I am not suggesting anyone start throwing power scrolls into the mining loot, but what if there was some hope for something other than sand in the past minute you just spend trying to get one sand, even if the chances were remote and the reward was minimal.

At 110 Mining I dig one sand about every 40 sec. I have a chance of 90 per hour if I am really on it. At 100 gold per that is 9k/hr and 200 gold 18k/hr. Obviously hack and slash will win you more than this in any dungeon per hour.



I don't know much about sand and glassblowing but is the price for sand pretty set? Have you tried selling it for more? I just built a miner so I want to experiment with this now!
I just got an offer for 350 each for 100 and to me that seems fair. Not sure how often I can move it yet. Just getting started myself.

Elizabeth Gold

I haven't tried the sand market on this server yet as there is little demand for it. Even less than granite. But considering there is little supply you can drive up the price pretty easy. I've seen it sell for 200-300gold about a year ago. It's all about finding somebody who's looking for it. Overall, I think the market is too easy to get saturated by sand so I'm not even going to try :)

The only thing I wonder about is if you also spawn monsters when mining sand.


Mining sand was pretty easy before the earth eles spawn. You could place a miner at a beach hidden and keep him digging around over and over again. You could play another char or just read a book waiting for sand. Now it's anoying with earth eles, because you need to intervene all the time.

Elizabeth Gold

I was intregued by your post so I did a little testing session.
Eighter we are testing differently or skill really matters on your success rate.

Your 110 skilled miner yields 1 sand / 40 sec.
My test showed at 120 skill 8 sand / minute.


You can make a macro using multiple pick axes at one time , mining sand or ore. Makes it so much easier and quicker