New Member
I was just walking around, having a regular day thieving things around Britain Bank. There was one of those annoying gate spammers named BLAZED who decided he was going to set up RIGHT to the LEFT of Britain Bank in the way and even more obnoxious than usual. I'm like - "hey I'm a thief, I can stop this" so I go into his bag which he has like a few robes over a pouch and spam moving them around until I get the pouch open and then steal his black pearl. "baha got'em!" - Thinking he's clearly afk I'm just walking around when all of a sudden - PARALYZED !!!! --- BUT Luckily I had JUST HID! so I was paralyzed, but invisible. "He just attacked me!" "that gate dude!" "but wait......" "I'm now invisible, and he is grey..." SO I RUN TO THE BANK AND "BANK", GRAB A SPEAR [I have like 60 fencing] (just for visuals right now I'm a man wearing a dress, bone helm and a spear), SOME BANDAGES, AND CHARGE HIM!

PLING!!!!! spear hits him and you know he's like AH WHAT WHERE DID THAT COME FROM!?!?!? - - the panic sets in and the chase begins. We both on foot run around the bank in circles -- he keeps trying to cast things like paralyze and heal but my trusty spear continues to interrupt his feeble attempts. I get his life down to half-way and he gets a heal off. But I don't give up! While running he shouts things like "I CAN'T EVEN FIGHT" "THIS IS AN ALT YOU F()&*$ER" none of this deters me as I see my rare chance to put this poor soul in his place. His life drains ever so slowly as this spear - although trustworthy - does about 1/10th of a bar per hit. But finally, after around our 5th circuit he tries spamming heal as he takes his last breath - "UUUAAUAAA" SUCCESS! I glory in the looting of a handful of reagents. At this point I should note my friend has been following the whole thing and pretends to be a bystander. Meanwhile his alt on a horse runs up:

Poor Soul: "YOU ()*&^%"
Valiant Protector: "He attacked me, he drew first blood."
Valiant Protector: "I did nothing of the sort, I am innocent"
Poor Soul: "FIGHT ME"
Valiant Protector: "Alright, hit me"
Poor Soul: "YOU'RE BLUE"
Valiant Protector: "attack me! I dare you!"
Poor Soul: "RrArARAHRHG"

He then ran off as we deposited our bag of 10 reagents each.

Later that day...
He continued to port in the SAME SPOT! I stole his pearl again.

He stands on top of the bank as close to the northeast edge as possible - but still in the safe zone. "Ah.. The Valiant Protector has done his part. Gate spam is contained, and I can rest in peace knowing our streets are safe..."
