new dono ethy dyes next switch?


honestly, cant tell ya how many times/or even how long the charcoal llama/boura/horse has been out there

we have other ethys available?

can we see the beetle? much less a reptalon dye in the future? unicorn? nothing razzle dazzle spectaculat but there just to point out, i believe the horse/kirin/beetle only received blood red dyes in the past and none of the others

as mentioned in another post, not everybody is crying/whineing or demanding change

these are just ideas from your loyal players base in turn could help people enjoy, motivate, and love the game we all did growing up thanks


if anything i think we can all agree here

the amount of people buying 1k dono ostards to the more expensive frenzied, the difference is huge

possibly throw out a specific frenzied dye to boost the more different looking mounts?