Perfect Max Storage Mining House SOLD to Limlight

Drake Roberts

Apparently Limlight has a third account.. I guess for his.. brother?? Character named Lemolight.. Similar taste in names I guess.. :rolleyes:

I want to be able to own a third house... Limlight already said flat out in game to me that this is his 3rd account.. He is playing all 3.. Wtf gives? Have the rules changed without me knowing? Because if that is the case.. I need to make another account and buy another house.


lol...your an idiot. I said no such thing. I said this was for a friend. FYI...your welcome to pm shane and ask if my wife has an account and if I got approval for it first week of inception. lol
Don't get all butt hurt because I buy my wife a house.

Your troll fails hard. Shane and Co. could easily check my ip address and see I have the three accounts in my household that they themselves approved. My wife not surprised youd be an ass and be all up in arms about a guy buying his wife a house. lol....pathetic dude.

I would also add they they can easily see that I don't run three clients at once. I play on one client and one client only almost all the time...with exception of doing something like this for my wife on New Years. But GJ on showing what an ass you are. I bet you treat your wife like crap...if you have one.

But since your a nosy wife had a small sandstone villa (which I gave to uotraders) which she used for her house....I am surprising her with this when she gets out of surgery tomorrow.
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This auction has ended. @limlight Purchased it.

He also showed me a house spot to place at so new auction coming soon!
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Drake Roberts

lol...your an idiot. I said no such thing. I said this was for a friend. FYI...your welcome to pm shane and ask if my wife has an account and if I got approval for it first week of inception. lol
Don't get all butt hurt because I buy my wife a house.

Which one is it, Limlight? For a friend from Atlantic or for your wife? You can't even get your lie straight.. I find the thought of someone ever even marrying your dumb ass, unbelievable.

Tell me more about how your wife RP's a guy character named Lemolight...
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lol..she doesn't play him...she made him and never uses him. She plays on her char Addison Rose. Which is my daughters name...none of which matters. Your (<---- just for you) obviously a complete waste of space. I laugh that you act like your best friends with Shane. Also...I told you friend...because are a fucktard and do not need to know the personal shit you want to know. Whats pathetic is you stealthing to my wifes new house...and then saying you are best friends with shane and going to Skype him.

Pathetic loser.


Have fun. Shanes a man of his word. I got approval from before you even joined shard. So by all means complain away.

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