Pet Ball Weight


once a day for the rings is OP? and costing 15k gold to summon pets that are now more than ever useless for pvp? what about the skill loss on pets that dont roll over? you wanna keep sinking 10-15k per magery/resist scroll into a pet? it seems you dont use pet balls or even have a tamer for that matter....

Just because someone disagrees, doesn't mean they don't understand. I'm well aware of how the rings work, how much pet ball charges cost, and the cost of skill scrolls. I simply come from a different school of thought. And it's one where you should never be able to insta teleport back to a healer and auto-summon your pets back to you. But if it has to be that way, I'd prefer that it stay expensive, both in terms of gold/dono coins and in terms of the weight of the necessary items.



i am the only one that petballed a pet so many time that the ball is not able to recharge anymore


+1 on the weight reduction! i always seek forgiveness and ball my pets
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