Provocation Help


Hello !

I'm currently training my provocation and i would like to have some help with the macro

I've got Razor and easyuo, but i dont know any good macro for it.

I tried to level provocation manually but... goddamn it takes forver

thanks in advance !



Hi, this macro is for razor and it loops provocation on your last target to attack you.

Edit - EasyUO is bannable :O
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Hello !

I'm currently training my provocation and i would like to have some help with the macro

I've got Razor and easyuo, but i dont know any good macro for it.

I tried to level provocation manually but... goddamn it takes forver

thanks in advance !

Hi, this macro is for razor and it loops provocation on your last target to attack you.
As for easyuo I don't have one...yet. ;)
You guys do know that using easyUO is a bannable offense, right?


Yeah, only Razor and UOsteam can be used here, no other third party programs.
That's actually close but not completely true now that I think about it, AutoHotKey is allowed as well for faster looting but as far as I know I don't think there is anything else. Honestly I knew that about easyuo I just haven't played in so long that I completely forgot haha.


Now granted hotkey macro programs do not interface with UO and theoretically are not 3rd party programs, but I guess if anything, you would call that a grey area.


Alright man !

Thanks alot, ill try it tonight,

i tried to make one but it failed as hell. I will test it soon when i'll be back home !!! Hope it will work !!

My Archer/Provo will be done after that training