pvm.. bards need some love


I remember when provo ( Archer or mage) were top scores at any champs .. Now they are not useful at RDA..and at champs invasions metà tamer or metà dexxer just make insane dmg :)

That is fine..but could bards get some love?

Maybe a Bard talisman..or a Bard book with special "song-spell" , with various effects.. like can provo unprovokable mobs.. Provo radius.. More distanze provo.. Lesser delay from one provo to another.. Or multiPle provo chance ( like u can provo 3--4-5 target in a row) ..


I have a metà tamer..and a metà dexxer..but i always think that working a spam with bards is really fun and need some skill too ;)
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Im all for giving PVM men a better/easier time fighting spawn... the hard part in UO PVM shouldnt be because mobs can be provoked or because PVM templates are limited -- the hart part in UO PVM should be knowing that a squad of PKs could be about to roll up on you at any given time.


Im all for giving PVM men a better/easier time fighting spawn... the hard part in UO PVM shouldnt be because mobs can be provoked or because PVM templates are limited -- the hart part in UO PVM should be knowing that a squad of PKs could be about to roll up on you at any given time.

Pk squad must be the adrenaline in the emd of the spawn..sometime u run..sometime u fightback ..sometime u die ;)


As a provo tamer, however, I feel like any buffs to provo should be disabled if you have 50 or more in taming, like talismans are with music/tame. I can already do tamer things on top of provo things, and having stuff like AoE provo (if that's what they get) as a tamer would simply be OP.

Provo tamers are already good enough in PvM.

Having a provo talisman that counts as an instrument would be nice, make it match at least a GM instrument (+10%) or an omega slayer (slayer instrument provo chance) on all monsters.

Having relics for it that for example AoE provo, chance at having no cooldown on provo, increase damage dealt/attackspeed by provoed targets for a short time (giving quicksilver to both provo'd mobs so they kill each other much much faster) - these effects could all be triggered by commands, or having different (blessed) talisman instruments.
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Adding to my list of suggestions from my previous post in this thread.

*Non-aggro provo.

In a scenario where you have two strong monsters fighting each other (two balrons?) An additional, much weaker monster spawns. You want to provo the new monster onto the balron with the higher HP, but you don't really want the Balrons to stop hitting each other, as the weaker monster would die too fast. Or at a champ spawn, you want to put additional monsters to fight the champ, without the champ stopping its attacks on whatever target its on.

Or in a case of monsters that will say "this is unprovokable", you can still use other monsters to attack the unprovokable one with this flute. One monster being "provo immune" shouldn't stop you from making weaker, "less intelligent" monsters fight it. It should only stop that monster from being forced to attack another target.


what about a gump with the 'meta flute'™? so you can double click it and change priority per monster

so the priority for the balron would be the other balron, not the new mobs


I want a meta thief. Steal more shit as you level. And a random chance to turn whatever you steal into a PS or other meta relic upon successful steal.