Quick and easy Sallos question..


When you pull someones tag...i've noticed that you can't just right-click like in normal UO to delete it...i can't seem to find a way to drop tags from your screen once you pull them. I'd love some insight. Thank you.


Once you pull them

Shift + left click to move the bars
Shift + right click to close them
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Funny part is...as ridic as it sounds...i had a lucid dream today while half asleep that that was the way to close them...and never tried it. That makes me doubley ******** for using the word "doubley" and not trying something that simple.


DERP wow im ******** thanks.

Funny part is...as ridic as it sounds...i had a lucid dream today while half asleep that that was the way to close them...and never tried it. That makes me doubley ******** for using the word "doubley" and not trying something that simple.
You are not ******** and you're welcome.


It was like one of those weird half asleep epiphanies. I dunno; you've had them im sure.

Do you use Sallos? Im so new..setting keybinds slowly but surely. It doesnt seem as useful as razor or steam...just prettier. I am new and may be very very wrong.


It was like one of those weird half asleep epiphanies. I dunno; you've had them im sure.

Do you use Sallos? Im so new..setting keybinds slowly but surely. It doesnt seem as useful as razor or steam...just prettier. I am new and may be very very wrong.

Sallos is a client mostly used for PVP.

if you wanna do anything else then i would recommend using the classic Assistant Tools
like Razor and UOsteam.


That's what I hear. I've been using Razor for years..it just seems to work better when it comes to micro management for your account as a whole.