Quick Silver training


having had every relic other than gold and leveling them myself here is what i have found.

Bloody relic, probably the most useful relic when applied first, it levels very quickly, and does 100 damage every 20-30 seconds, it is a huge help when leveling a pet in the early stages. could possibly be nerfed by making it a little harder to level.

Nox relic, a pain in the ass to level for a provo tamer but not unreasonably so. doesn't need nerfs or boosts.

Molten relic, similar to bloody in leveling speed but not quite as useful, could stand a slight nerf but not necessary

QS relic, very useless in the first 2 or 3 levels, and very slow to get to level 4(about when it starts to do something), almost unbearably slow at level 5 and I imagine only going to get worse. taking, i would guess, about 2x the amount of work as getting your pet from level 1 to level 7. need a boost to leveling, and if a nerf to the relic is needed it should only be a nerf to late stage levels not the early levels.

i dont by any means think it should be easy to level, but right now i doubt there is anyone who has applies their QS relic since the nerf that has higher than level 7. how many months ago is that now? hard is fine but right now I feel like i will be an old man by the time i get to level 10.


To be fair it was never acceptable to afk macro meta pets.

I am curious about the XP gain rate though...

The activation delay was a good idea, and with it a boost to XP per activation which sounds nice but it gives very little consolation to those who were not lucky enough to have a QS early on. Those players are benefitting tremendously from that faster XP leveling while everyone else has been left in the dust because it appears the XP gain is not nearly enough to offset the longer delay.

Fix would be welcome.


I thought I read patch notes somewhere that they did increase the xp per proc? Was it not implemented? I got my QS after the nerf when my meta was stage 5.5 and it's now 7 and my QS is 6.5. In the mean time, my bloody and molten are now both maxed out. Does seem like a super slow gain I guess. I just gave up on caring after the current level... Seems good enough to kill most things.


Yeah I feel like I'm already doing very well for myself and I don't even have a QS yet so bring it on!

I mean what are you gonna do, use a gold relic instead? Pffft

Butttt at the same time it kinda sucks that everyone who doesn't have one or didn't at the time of the change got left in the dust.


I thought afk leveling meta XP was illegal, eppy told me if was frown apon but not illegal to train relics. I understand the whole XP afk leveling isn't very fair. But when a relic takes several months of your pet attacking something every 2 minutes to even get a high enough qs is kinda blah... I mean it's the most powerful relic and also costs more than a castle it should be hard to level but not THIS hard


Was talking to @eppy and he said that Quick silver and molten take the same proc ratio to level up. Molten breath happens every 15seconds, while quick silver happens ever 2 minutes. So say it takes 1000 procs to level it will take molten it will take about 4.17 hours of non stop fighting to level. Now lets look at quick silver. For quick silver to level it will take 33.3 HOURS (of non stop procs every 2 minutes) to level the same exact level as molten.

This obviously is going to make me either A. Kill myself, or B. Wont see tonycakes for a few months, due to trying to actually have a relic that does something longer then 5 seconds.


I guess XP vs relic XP is kind of a grey area when it comes to whether afk training is acceptable. I'd say they're the same for all intents and purposes but not sure how staff feels.

I have seen plenty afk macroing meta dexers so I guess that is o.k.


Was talking to @eppy and he said that Quick silver and molten take the same proc ratio to level up. Molten breath happens every 15seconds, while quick silver happens ever 2 minutes. So say it takes 1000 procs to level it will take molten it will take about 4.17 hours of non stop fighting to level. Now lets look at quick silver. For quick silver to level it will take 33.3 HOURS (of non stop procs every 2 minutes) to level the same exact level as molten.

This obviously is going to make me either A. Kill myself, or B. Wont see tonycakes for a few months, due to trying to actually have a relic that does something longer then 5 seconds.
This is assuming a 100% proc chance. I'm pretty sure QS only has like a 20% proc chance.

With that info I don't think it's unreasonable to ask that the exp per proc be doubled so that it's only 4x as hard as molten to level.


I guess XP vs relic XP is kind of a grey area when it comes to whether afk training is acceptable. I'd say they're the same for all intents and purposes but not sure how staff feels.

I have seen plenty afk macroing meta dexers so I guess that is o.k.

Relics XP rate is so low, I dont see why macroing it would be a problem? I mean we macro our pets to gain skills already when we get a fresh tame dragon or mare. I see it as the same as that.

+ the fact that every time your pet dies it cost 2 MR scrolls, 2 Poisoning scrolls, 2 magery scrolls thats roughly 100k+?

When meta dexers die what happens to them? they cant use their increased damage buff for what 15 minutes?


In some cases, yes.

Macroing meta training really isn't much different from afk macroing regular pets though tbh.


@eppy do you plan on fixing this or is it above your knowledge? Or is it working as intended? Can you possibly let the shard know instead of beating around the bush? I've been here for quite some time and have contributed a lot. It would be nice to have some GMs be straight up with their gamers and actually show that you care.


i wasn't aware of this issue to be honest..

i think i was the first to get quicksilver to lvl 10 on UOF and let me tell u:

i added it at stage 1, with 0 xp.. when my meta reached stage 7, quicksilver was about to reach level 8.. so it has always been slow.. didn't know it's now impossible.. (if that's the case i should have kept my pet.. lol)


when i came back, i remember a discussion about quicksilver nerf.. about nerfing the bonus.. people complaining that quicksilver became almost useless.. shane/adam agreed to up the boni again but increasing the cooldown.

somewhere was a post stating that the xp gain (or requirements) was changed to match the higher cooldown.. that seems to not have happened.. please clarify

@eppy @Shane @Adam