RDA Problem


So I saw something that needs to be corrected asap with the RDA. There needs to be code to prevent [Young] players from entering. was attempting the RDA lat night and many of us got slaughtered (going to be challenging big time).

I noticed there was a young player just looting all the bodies and receiving no aggro as his status prevented just that. Kudos to that player for finding the loop hole. it needs to be closed quickly or it will be abused.


I wonder what the point of that was? RDA in Kahldune... So difficult it has to be trammy. The whole server would have to get in there and cooperate to make it through something like that.


I enjoyed watching everyone die, and die and died again though. The young dude looting us made out like a bandit.
Im sure its someone who has 12 cousins living with him so he is allowed to have more than 2 accounts. There is no way that someone just created a new account and figured it out that fast.