Revamp BOD timer.


BOD timers need to be adjusted. Currently many people including myself are unable to get all their BODs due to work and family. Most of us are grown adults now whom have bigger commitments than logging in every 6 hours, every single day, to collect BODs. I am currently only able to collect 1 bod a day during the weekdays and 2-3 on the weekends. Counting smith and tailor that's about 32-34 BODs a week I CAN NOT get. I know I am not the only one in this situation.

I know right now some of you have that UO mindset and are thinking, " QQ, make more time." This is not only effecting me. The big problem is a huge deficient of BODs on this server. Very few crafters exist here who have a surplus of BODs, and trading BODs is very hard because very few people have BODs. UOF has been around a bit now, and not one has obtained a valorite runic hammer. One person is very close, but still very far away, again because no one has BODs to trade. Even when this valorite runic hammer is here, no one will actually use the weapons other than lock down decorations, or if they can get it faction blessed due to the rarity.

Many new mules come into UO trying to get a decent collection of BODs, but become very bored with it and just quit doing BODs all together. Being able to log on once a day and collect all 4 BODs at once within a 18-24 hour time period will help all the problems I have mentioned because people will want to log on and collect their BODs. This will cause people to actually have a useful BOD collection and hopefully have multiple, multiple high end color hammers floating around on the shard.

If we keep BOD timers the way they are now, runic hammers will just be impossible to get.

I for one would love to come to the forums and hear some QQing about the guy who just got PK'd and lost his aggy katana, or because a thief caught him off guard in a dungeon or etc. etc. At UOF's current BOD progression, this will never happen.

Am I the only one who feels BOD timers need a change?

Also off topic, but..

Make bones easier to farm. Solution is simple, let us harvest skeleton corpses with a knife or axe, like barbed leather to a dragons' corpse.


Not the only one. I agree completely. Most week days I can get 2 BODs. One before work, then another when I get home. The next available one with current system isn't worth the pain of staying up for. I like the idea of the 24 hour limit instead of the current 6 hour timer....maybe even cutting it back so you can only snag 3 at one time, with the 4th available later within the 24 hour period???
I have been here for a couple of months and have noticed the BOD trade is not what I expected. Very few people actively trading, which should be super easy with this forum.


Here is a solution: 4 accounts per ip!!

Then again, with weapon damage so dismal, Runic hammers are more decorative than useful - I dont think anyone will pay 100k for a practice weapon


Its not really a matter of how many accounts you have (atleast for most of us I assume), but the timer being set at 6 hours.


I like the way it is now. I also get 1-2 a day, which can be frustrating, but I know the super-dedicated farmers are kept at bay from trivializing my major accomplishments by flooding the markets with vendors sporting 20 shadow hammers at 4k each like on OSI servers.