WTS <Sold>

Dj Double D

VERY, VERY ISOLATED!!! Avoid spawn, PK's, neighbors and nuisance!

This is on Fire Island, between the mountain and the water so no immediate spawn. No Neighbors!! No one can place anywhere close to this plot, check the radar on the top left of 1st pic ;)



Oh and that's Fire Temple just to the South ;)

Starting Bid : 600k including existing 250k plot

No specified buyout because why say no?

Dj Double D


That is a great spot bud. I'd be all over that if it was only a tad bigger :[

Thanks man!
Ya for the isolated spot it is, too bad no 18 x 18 action, but then I probly wouldn't be selling it either, lol...
Need a 130 Blacksmithy to remove few tiles from that mountain, pffft!