
I think this could be fun. feel free to thow out your own touch, if you feel so inclined anyways..
1. random "miniature" mobs spawning throughout the world. some rare some not.
2. they can be tameable for anyone that has a certain item (maybe dono)
3. you can train your miniature mobs by killing other mini mobs. can select one of 4 different attacks that each mini mob could have while battling.
5. you can battle your minimobs wherever. perpaps at the bank.
6. tournies
7 this idea is a ripoff of pokemon, but how neat would it be if you went to the bank and some dude's mini mountain goat was putting the smack down on a mini earth elley
thanks for reading
as pets currently exist they are diverse and sought after. people already rival to have the best stats ect. at the very least why not incorporatte a system in which people can battle there pets and control there heals or spells. the blue meta could have certain attacks and the other colors could have theirs ect. i think that the best trained pet should win,not the best type. such as a chicken being fully trained could easily defeat a mini dragon that is a lower level..