Taming ss buyouts

Slice N Dice

Taming ss are going for 325-350k and a few people are trying to buy them all out.

Is something going on?
Are they trying to get a monopoly?
Meta pet craze has everyone buying taming skill scrolls + lower taming SS drop rate = higher demand. Its hard out there for a tamer....


So glad they made more shitty SS drop that are worthless so that taming SS would never reach 600k.... as they are reaching 600k.


There is also a rumor that taming will be able to goto 140 shortly. Not sure how accurate or credible it is it in believe it was started by a dev on irc. If it is increasing the the peeps at 120 who are making bank will be the only ones that can afford them. Anyways it looks like people doing market speculation and trying to corner it.


It's probably not going to happen. The community has being overwhelming rejecting the notion and Shane last night said it's not a sure thing and Adam had reservations about the idea as well.

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I remember when all these taming changes happened a few months back. The idea for the server was to make it so NEW players could afford or have a reasonable thing to work toward. If you GM taming without scrolls, then you know how bad it is once you're there. I'm sure there is SOMEONE who has kept taming after 100, but that's pretty uncommon. Even though tamers make decent money, 3 scrolls are basically 1 million. Increase the drops rates (just by a little more) so new players have a shot.


It was always clear from the staff that if taming cap was raised to 140 you could not use scrolls for the last 20 points. You would need to tame very specific creeps.


Taming up to 105 is a joke. You should not eat any SS till 106. I just made a 2nd Tamer in less than 10 days grinded to 105. It is very easy for new players to work towards a GM tamer and start to farm with a Dragon/WW combo. People who are new should not get to jump right into the Beetle scene.


Please share... Its taking forever to get to 75 here. And I have a 115 tamer already but I guess I'm not doing something right

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Agreed with Wrexx, and this is coming from someone who would absolutely love to buy some cheap taming scrolls right now.

Anything that allows you to gain a skill without actually using the skill should be rare and expensive. Especially for an all powerful skill like Taming. Legendary tamers should be few and far between.