WTS The Moonglow Secret Shoppe


Still got a poisoning skill scroll, black snake plants available.

I also have orange petals and seeds, red leaves and seeds, and green thorn seeds, available by request only.

sorry for having those items by request only, vendor price gets too high when I have them all on them.


Price reduction sale so I can play poker..

1 Poisoning Skill Scroll (15k)
8 Decorative Black Snake Plants (40k)
Orange Petals (@ 200gp/per, cure buff for a couple minutes) (200 in stock, in bundles of 100)
Kegs (2k each!! While they last! )


We have a new vendor being set up, he will have stuff for sale soon.

Come buy some stuff!!
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We have runebooks, recalls and a good assortment of magic weapons for sale. We still need a few good vendors to be set up, so if you are looking for a free vendor spot in a small shoppe, PM me here.
I cannot find the place. Can you give clearer directions from the tele[prter if this ven dor still exists tia


Whooot I am glad that vendor is back! Thank you :)
Greetings Nanashi can you tell me here the secret vendors shoppe is/ I went to the map location and could not find it. Does it still exist? Please help me get some gear am a newbie thanks



take that portal in moonglow and head east?
Well I tried that all the way to the scope even, No shoppe. was visible to me. Even to the X spot to the immediate west of the teleporter to town.

Can you direct me to other owner vendors who craft or sell GM armour and weps slayers.
Just trying to get lucky thanks for your help.
