The new raffle IBD.

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Garet Jax

for the record to those of you who replied to my post.

First off fuck you.

second I don't really give a fuck about the item bless deeds tbh, because as others have stated I have tons of vanqs, etc. plus im rich as fuck.

third who fucking cares, lol

fourth I only done it to hear you guys cry about my response, so lol.


Garet Jax said:
for the record to those of you who replied to my post.

First off fuck you.

second I don't really give a fuck about the item bless deeds tbh, because as others have stated I have tons of vanqs, etc. plus im rich as fuck.

third who fucking cares, lol

fourth I only done it to hear you guys cry about my response, so lol.

Quit crying sissies. Some new player is gonna win it and put it on his heater shield. The chances of some bad ass pvp dexxer winning this is extremely low. Crying girls, I wish I could reach thru the monitor and slap the shit out of you.


1337_chicken said:
Quit crying sissies. Some new player is gonna win it and put it on his heater shield. The chances of some bad ass pvp dexxer winning this is extremely low. Crying girls, I wish I could reach thru the monitor and slap the shit out of you.

The people with lots of donation coins have better odds to win than some noob (me). Get real. Come at me bro.
Chongo said:
1337_chicken said:
Quit crying sissies. Some new player is gonna win it and put it on his heater shield. The chances of some bad ass pvp dexxer winning this is extremely low. Crying girls, I wish I could reach thru the monitor and slap the shit out of you.

The people with lots of donation coins have better odds to win than some noob (me). Get real. Come at me bro.

Nice try. The number of noobs donating will vastly outweigh the few good dexxers donating. Go back to second grade please.



I have so many ideas for dumb shit to bless if I win.

I am going to be hated. Big time. I will make sure of that.


1337_chicken said:
Quit crying sissies. Some new player is gonna win it and put it on his heater shield. The chances of some bad ass pvp dexxer winning this is extremely low. Crying girls, I wish I could reach thru the monitor and slap the shit out of you.



milkyteat said:
I'm gonna bless my noobie dagger, just to be sure I NEVER lose it

supreme, indestructible, vanq dagger would actually be pretty damn lethal... just because of their swing speed.
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