Thoughts on my Treasure Hunter Build?


New Member
So I joined UOF a few years back (or more) and I recall (memory could be faulty) there not being much in the way of fishing MIB's etc (really enjoyed that part of UO) but liked the concept of the shard. However due to other things I never really came back and leveled anyone.
I stumbled upon the discovery of the Navel update and that UOF now has MIB's etc, ship warfare and seemed pretty lively so I rushed to get it installed and going again.

However due to the fact that I never really played further on this shard and my memory not working as I'd like (been years since I last played) I am unsure of how some mechanics worked and was hoping some questions could be answered.

1. I am wanting to recreate my treasure hunter that I never really got fully GM'd. Does this seem like a good all around Treasure hunter? Handle solo tmaps, MIB's and getting ganked? (Not sure on which skill to 120. Is it worth 120 anything on here?)
100 Cart
100 Eval
100 Fishing
100 Lockpicking
100 Magery
100 Med
100 Resist

Should I switch to like archery? Switch somethings out and go hiding and/or stealth?

2. I cannot recall, can you loot chests with magical invisibility?

3. Does Eval affect the strength of summoned creatures?

4. I cannot remember are magical items unknown and need identified on this shard?

5. Also where can I find a cheap boat? Don't need cannons (yet) just something to get my Fishing up past 85.

Think that is all for now. I know I had more but doing too much at once and can't remember lol. Thanks in advance!
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