Treasure Hunter ?


Hi, I just created treasure hunter.
Lock pick

Is it worth the time and money.
Do I have to buy a ship.
If I killed on ship, what will happen to my ship.
What is inside the MIBs

Thanks for answers.

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Music - Needed
Provo - Needed
Magery - Needed
Carto - Needed
Fishing - optional
Meditation - Needed
Lock pick - Needed

Is it worth the time and money. Treasure hunting nets pretty good money and items, especially the higher end maps. To me it is worth the time and effort. Plus you can do dungeon locked chests for extra cash.

Do I have to buy a ship. If you do fishing, then yes. On my treasure hunter, i chose hiding because I did not plan on killing mobs or players.

If I killed on ship, what will happen to my ship. Nothing, unless you were killed by another player that has a galleon. If they have a galleon, they could use cannons to sink and ransom your ship back to you. Keep in mind that if your ship is not sunk, you can still steer it as a ghost.

What is inside the MIBs About the same thing as a treasure chest except for some reason the UOF devs like to put rares in there along with loot.
In reality, fishing gives more cash than treasure hunting as the UOF devs have put alot of rares into fishing and bonuses like whirlpools and whatnots. A normal fishing build looks like this:

resisting spells

Essentially it is an archer with fishing. It is easier to kill sea serpents (who have the MiBs on them) with a bow than with magery or another type of melee weapon.


Cargography, sorry disspelling.
Thank you. Actually that's the info that I am looking for.
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Music - Needed
Provo - Needed
Magery - Needed
Carto - Needed
Fishing - optional
Meditation - Needed
Lock pick - Needed

Is it worth the time and money. Treasure hunting nets pretty good money and items, especially the higher end maps. To me it is worth the time and effort. Plus you can do dungeon locked chests for extra cash.

Do I have to buy a ship. If you do fishing, then yes. On my treasure hunter, i chose hiding because I did not plan on killing mobs or players.

If I killed on ship, what will happen to my ship. Nothing, unless you were killed by another player that has a galleon. If they have a galleon, they could use cannons to sink and ransom your ship back to you. Keep in mind that if your ship is not sunk, you can still steer it as a ghost.

What is inside the MIBs About the same thing as a treasure chest except for some reason the UOF devs like to put rares in there along with loot.
In reality, fishing gives more cash than treasure hunting as the UOF devs have put alot of rares into fishing and bonuses like whirlpools and whatnots. A normal fishing build looks like this:

resisting spells

Essentially it is an archer with fishing. It is easier to kill sea serpents (who have the MiBs on them) with a bow than with magery or another type of melee weapon.

What are the recommended stats for a T-Hunter with the above specs?


Question why have gm magic? Also how do MIB's Work? Like How do you get them and How do you find the spot the loot is?Is there a good guide you can link to MIBs?
GM Magery = Gives full power heal, greater heal, cure, protection, reactive armor, and Magic Reflection, and Arch Protection spells.

Oh yeah -- Also if you have 40 int, you can gate yourself out while overweight (saves on multiple trips).

Everyone does them differently. How I do MiBs is:

  1. Use the following site to find what shore the MiB is closest to:
  2. Use my own rune library's Coordinate Rune Library to recall to that shore.
  3. Deploy my boat
  4. Go to the spot and fish up MiB
You can actually do groups of MiBs in one run if you group them all beforehand and do all of the MiBs you have for one area of the ocean.


I'm going to have to work on my T-Hunter. He's a Fisherman too.. I have a Provoker on my other account.

I planned on doing,


He'll be dependent on being 2Box Supported, but thats what I do anyway. He'll just plug away with arrows at provoked creatures.