two team ctf

Agree! Would also love see different maps, and a mounted option. More than anything though would just like to see more of these or give players the option to start them. Like have a stone, that if enough players come click it will start automatically.

Arch Enemy

Agree! Would also love see different maps, and a mounted option. More than anything though would just like to see more of these or give players the option to start them. Like have a stone, that if enough players come click it will start automatically.

you know there is a Battle Well at wbb which u can throw weapons/armor/gold into for points toward a ctf, right? It auto starts once it reaches 750k points
you know there is a Battle Well at wbb which u can throw weapons/armor/gold into for points toward a ctf, right? It auto starts once it reaches 750k points
Nope I didnt, but I dont like the idea of having to contribute items/gold to start it.. Should be free

Arch Enemy

Nope I didnt, but I dont like the idea of having to contribute items/gold to start it.. Should be free

it's honestly super easy to fill if you just collect the magic weapons/armor from mobs when u farm and toss them in there. anything slayer is worth at least 5k points. most other items are typically worth 2-4k points but it's def not uncommon to throw in something like a power exceedingly acc bardiche and get like 8-9k points. what i used to do is hoard a shit ton in my house and then play like 3x ctfs in a row whenever i feel like.

Arch Enemy

I dont pvm though, at all. :(

just look on the ground whenever u are around wbb then. people throw shit on the ground literally ALL the time that could be thrown in the battle well for lots of points. slayer instruments, exceedingly acc ruin clubs or some shit, especially if they just came back from farming and there's a big pile on the ground.

On topic: yes i agree having less than 20 people it should be 2 team ctfs because 3 v 3 v 3 v 3 makes it kind of hard to have a proper offense and defense for each time. but good luck to op though. maybe they will change it in the next 10 years or so, as i'm sure it's pretty low on their priority list.