Unacceptable Names

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There is a Player named Josef Mengele, it is highly racist to have a character named like the Person who was responsible for experiments on humans in the holocaust.

It is unacceptable to have something like that arround.


not quite racist, but highly inappropriate. I couldn't give less of a shit, though. At the end of the day its just a fucking name.

Joey Golden

Seems more like this individual pissed you off, so you pulling the racist card saying your offended by it, maybe you truly are. I don't buy it though. It doesn't offend me in anyway at all, In fact I could careless, As most people probably have no clue what that name is from.. quit the crying and play the game.


Would Uncle Pepe be better? Want to loose faith in humanity? Google why that was his nickname
As a child I met a friend's Tio Klaus, who turned out to be Klaus Barbie. He was living as Klaus Altman at the time. The uncle moniker wasn't for the same purpose as Mengele in this case, but it was creepy as hell to find out who he was when he got caught in the 80's.


Seems more like this individual pissed you off, so you pulling the racist card saying your offended by it, maybe you truly are. I don't buy it though. It doesn't offend me in anyway at all, In fact I could careless, As most people probably have no clue what that name is from.. quit the crying and play the game.
I dont care about the person, he did nothing to me.
I study history with the focus on genocide studys so im well informed in that topic.
Using a Name like this has nothing to do with fun or anything alike, it is just not acceptable.


Do you have any idea how many names based on variations of "rape" I see on a daily basis?
I don't condone it, but the Internet is a breeding ground for ignorance :/


Honestly I agree but what and where is the line. At what point do we force people to change their names or delete the character. Who defines offensive. And if a name has you that upset wait till you see how others interact with you.

A thick skin is sometimes needed to venture out into the world and a thicker one to venture onto the Internet.


Honestly I agree but what and where is the line. At what point do we force people to change their names or delete the character. Who defines offensive. And if a name has you that upset wait till you see how others interact with you.

A thick skin is sometimes needed to venture out into the world and a thicker one to venture onto the Internet.

i think the line is crossed when you name a character like a historical person who did what i mentioned and idolize that person by doing it.

Already got a response ingame by Shane who says that the name isnt acceptable.


So I'm just trying to find the fine line here...what about "Jack the Ripper"? Or "General Custer? So....Darren Wilson? Stirring the pot a bit but hey...why not


So Adolf Hitler is definitely off the table
theres a guy called " adolf heatler "

Honestly where is the line in this, " I RaPe Ur MoM " or " ifuckursister " is that in correct ?

If u see a char named " i Hope U Get Cancer " , that is a name that can get offensive to people who were close to cancer victims.

What about a name after the former american president " Andrew Jackson ""that could be offensive to native americans.

Or " Robert McNamara " Former US Secretary of Defense, helped kill approximately 2-3 million, mostly poor Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians.

Slobodan Milosevic ,radovan karadzic , idi amin, Jorge Rafael Videla , where does it end ?

In the end its up to you if you interact with the guy, let him be ignorant and dont take offense so easily.


Agreed -- a name is a name .. u can make it your mission to kill this adolf heatler all day bc his name is offensive and it might bring u some comfort knowing you killed that prick.


i guess we just need to hand out about 3k name change deeds to get rid of any names related to controversial people ... and some vagasil to the reporters of such names...


Unless you got a name like "CANCER RIDDEN FETUS", I don't think a name like this warrants for a name change.

While you may not be offended by a name like "Hannibal Lector", someone else would be. The dude ate people. Same concept.

You have to draw a distinct line about profanity in names only, otherwise half the server would need a name change.

Edit: Shout out to CANCER AIDS I reported 6 months ago, along with numerous other vulgar names. #namenazi
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