UO Never Dies..

Sewer Rat

Since 1998 I have played UO, it has been a part of my life for more then half of my existence..I've taken many breaks, but always, I find my way back. Will we ever be done for sure? I just don't know, but its not happening anytime soon.. Its a way of life, like a drug you can NEVER kick. Will we still be pwning when we have canes, wheelchairs, fake hips and wearing our adult diapers? Only time will tell, but the thought of elderly retired folks handing some noob his ass amuses me. :p
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my respect for this game! it's definitely the best online game ever.
I would like to continual development, in this game - opportunities and potential is inexhaustible.
long live ... !


I might forget my name, my family, how to eat and when to poop when I get advanced Alzheimer's, but I will always remember that CTRL S is my stealing macro.


I love UO but a lot is happening now with Crowfall and the like as well


The future looks bright

Dj Double D

You're never too old to PK. In 20 years just hit them with your gnarled staff.
My retirement template:
GM Reminiscing
GM Forgetting Shit
GM *****/Bicker/Bemoaning
GM Incontinence w/Splatter, Stench & Projectile Meta Relics
GM Hoarding/Cat-Herding
GM Nurse Pinching and who can forget;
GM Forgetting Shit

There was more but I forgot it :rolleyes:


I love UO but a lot is happening now with Crowfall and the like as well


The future looks bright
*, Crowfall... and other copycats who try to copy but did not really create,
now is the time - to quick money,
passed that time when the game is developed with soul

These games don't survive - until the moment when it will be possible to write a macro on lumberjack))
developers begin to degenerate, and probably soon reach - a deadlock,
future looks bright ? :D
View: https://youtu.be/9KcripHmXFk
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That screenshot is from Shards Online

So years = 6 months

all these games look so promising, then you get the early access which lasts forever, it ends up being a shit show, and a year down the road the game is still alpha

hopefully this game breaks the current state of games, because all of them have been absolute shit for the past few years


all these games look so promising, then you get the early access which lasts forever, it ends up being a shit show, and a year down the road the game is still alpha

hopefully this game breaks the current state of games, because all of them have been absolute shit for the past few years

I would be worried but its made by well known industry vets

It is not some indie steam game, no mass early access due to how much it costs. Alpha will be quite limited and take the majority of the time. They are not selling early access like the way Shroud of the Avatar has done.

I really hope it doesn't let me down, but either way it was worth the risk to support the idea. I backed it heavily with that said I also had high hopes for Archeage and we all saw how that played out after release.

I promise Archeage in Alpha was amazing, none of the f2p pay2win issues were around in Alpha
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I backed it heavily with that said I also had high hopes for Archeage and we all saw how that played out after release.

I promise Archeage in Alpha was amazing, none of the f2p pay2win issues were around in Alpha

Archeage in Alpha WAS incredible and the game was so promising early on, save for the whole weird pvp flagging when visiting another continent. It was sad watching all of that potential go down the drain.


all these new games are crap because they do not birds eye enough and do not zoom out enough. That's the only thing that makes UO good and no other game has caught on.


all these new games are crap because they do not birds eye enough and do not zoom out enough. That's the only thing that makes UO good and no other game has caught on.

Fully agree

I like the isometric view, I think that's what's it called

Young Star

I prefer the ISO view as well. Another thing that I do not like about a lot of these games is how they restrict you to pick a specific class. I usually end up finding out a class I didn't pick is a better fit and I have to start all over with a new character and name. I also hate skill grinding which is another reason I prefer UO. Yes a lot of the skills you can grind but if you want to you can usually find a monster that levels you up just as much and gives you decent loot.