Weapon crafting


As i understand right now exceptional weapon give +4 to the base weapon damage, no matter what ingot you use to make it, and magic weapon bonus damage go from +1(ruin) to +9 (vanq).
Magic weapons also have other bonuses like + durability and + tactics (i'm only talking about melee weapon here).
The result is that basically everyone prefer magic weapons to player crafted ones (and they are relatively easy to get).

My proposal is the following :
exceptional weapon now give bonus damage based on the material used :
+1 iron
+2 dull copper
+3 shadow
+4 copper
+5 bronze
+6 golden
+7 agapite
+8 verite
+9 valorite

magic weapons would still be stronger but crafted weapon could be also a valid alternative, also more matching weapon/armors sets for my autism.


Idea itself is good, but the numbers.. You'd totally, and I mean totally, fuck up pvp system. Having valorite +9 dmg weapon? That's more than vanquisher ! Plus exc made wep? That's like 12dmg.. And on top of that, if there are weapons craftable by runic hammers, you'd be able to make weapon literally oneshots everything, ugh..

Edit: +9 is vanquisher, but still... like eppy said, that's the purpose of runic hammers. They basically do this, giving magic attributes to player crafted weapon. With implementation of such idea, there would be no reason to have runics. And it would still fock up pvp, since such powerful weapons are hard to come by for a reason (and their cost says it all).
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