What is worth more...


A classic large tower placed in a good location (ie: on grass, waterfront, no spawn) or an 18x18 placed in a good location?

Also, if a classic house is dropped, how much of its original value goes into your bank?

Thanks all.


18x18, classics redeed which you can sell back to npc for a reduced rate. You take a pretty substantial hit when you sell back, how much I can't remember.


when you deed a classic, you get the deed in your bank box. That deed is worth pennies on the dollar to an npc, and not worth anywhere near as much as placement cost in the resale market.

PM me if you have any more questions about it, or are looking to unload a deed.


Cool cool. Thanks for the feedback guys. Much appreciated.

I'll definitely contact you, Kiki if I end up deeding the tower. Definitely gonna marinate on the idea of dropping the classic and placing an 18x18...but I still haven't checked if one will fit for sure.

Thanks again