What's the point of GM hiding?


Seriously, what's the point of having GM hiding and GM stealth if someone can spam reveal with 0% and still get a decent chance to reveal? The entire thief dungeon diving lockpicking shit is completely nerfed in favor of a bunch of homos running scripts


the autostealth walk is nice, but you gotta be on your game because it's fractions of an inch between not walking, walking, and running and revealing yourself. I just think it's crap that you can spam detect hidden with no skill and still have a better chance of revealing than a GM does in hiding, and the skill doesn't have an 8 second cooldown, so best you can hope for is an instahide and hope the game mechanics don't allow a noob to reveal you again with no skill.


Set up two chars, one with GM hiding and one with 0 detect hidden. Park the hidden character somewhere then stand 1 tile away with the detect character and spam the skill on loop on the exact spot where the guy is hiding. You won't find shit. I know because I've tested it. In fact I'm testing it again now and he's already almost at 20 detect hidden and still hasn't revealed the stealther while standing almost right on top of him.

EDIT: After over an hour of running detect hidden on loop, he still hasn't found the hidden character standing 1 tile away. He is now at 59.3 DH. Hiding is fine.
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1. Its hard to reveal using the skill. Even at GM DH, my infiltrator has a hard time revealing other players with GM hiding. He has to click on the exact spot several times. There's a delay between attempts of several seconds (six?) , so this can be a real pain in the ass. Also if you're in a reveal contest (e.g. trying to reveal another lockpicker, PK, etc. who is also trying to reveal you), you will need GM hiding to come out on top.

2. As long as you're eight tiles away (which isn't far), you can hide in plain sight of mobs and players that are aggro'd on you.
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I just think it's crap that you can spam detect hidden with no skill and still have a better chance of revealing than a GM does in hiding, and the skill doesn't have an 8 second cooldown, so best you can hope for is an instahide and hope the game mechanics don't allow a noob to reveal you again with no skill.

I think the lamer fact is that the reveal spell works 100% of the time and over a decent sized area, but the DH skill works about half the time and only on a very small area (seems like 1 or 2 tiles radius).


all i can say hiding and steahlth are crazy good here

IMO, they should be. Thieves don't have much else going for them.

As far as stealth ganking goes, unpacking an ethereal should reveal the player.
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I think the lamer fact is that the reveal spell works 100% of the time and over a decent sized area, but the DH skill works about half the time and only on a very small area (seems like 1 or 2 tiles radius).

Really? This seems stupid. @eppy do you know if this is working as intended?


GM detect hidden 100% detects hidden people... unless they changed something very recently.

I've got a tracker/detecter that I use fairly often.

Go to the crafting area, track a macroing crafter. Attempt to detect. Repeat a couple dozen times (after they re-hide). Unless something is f'd on my end, you won't succeed 100% of the time. I suspect range matters. But I've failed at about 4 tiles away and maybe closer.


So after more testing what I've found is you can AOE a hidden char with meteor, but a field spell a hidden char can walk right through. I was drunk when I wrote the post so 'reveal' was a bit off, but the fact you can track someone with 0% is pretty lame. Now the question is how the hell my guy gets killed without being revealed? As far as I know AOE like meteor strike will only do up to 50% damage of remaining health, so even at 1 health, a strike will never kill a char. I thought a poison/fire field may have been the culprit but not. I know if I drink a pot, step through a char, or open a corpse other than myself I'll go unhidden, but being stationary picking locks without being revealed and dying seems a bit odd.

I am a fairweather gamer though, so maybe there's other mechanics I'm not aware of that would let someone damage me besides a field or AOE attack... Maybe a metorstrike/fire horn? I dunno.

But shitty original drunk post aside, why should someone with 0 skill be able to track a GM hiding/stealth player?


Seriously, what's the point of having GM hiding and GM stealth if someone can spam reveal with 0% and still get a decent chance to reveal? The entire thief dungeon diving lockpicking shit is completely nerfed in favor of a bunch of homos running scripts

Hiding and stealth on here have to be the way they are to balance out auto-stealth. I know, it is frustrating with how tracking works especially, but if this was to be fixed then stealth would need to be changed so you have to use the skill to move and be limited to ten steps until you need to activate stealth again. Believe it or not, this is how stealth worked on uoforever and tracking was exactly the same as it is on here, I still did exceptionally well and have never been as skilful than I was on there. My groundwork was legendary, even against bolas. Terrain all the way baby.