Where do you macro Poisoning?


Hey guys,

I've just started training poisoning and I wanted to ask you where you actually trained it. Did you do it in dungeons, taking the kegs with you, or did you do it say at home or in a town? I'd like to leave it unattended in dungeons but I don't want to lose kegs of poison to raiders. I was thinking maybe to make my char go red (cause that's what I made it for) and them macro poisoning in dungeons (semi-attended or maybe while I'm on the run...)

Any wisdom from anybody?

Dwyane Wade

I did it in a dungeon. I trained up that chars hiding to a good amount, like 90ish. Would hide him and play my poisoning macro, bringing more kegs in with an alt. You stay hidden pretty much the whole time, except to cure yourself (I used potions). Once you get to a certain point you stop poisoning yourself on fails, I wanna say high 80's/low 90's


Doesn't hiding break when you use the poisoning skill??! That's awesome! I just have to drop one skill momentarily in order to put hiding!