Community Fundraiser: GOAL REACHED!

Yu the Sorceress

If donating 100,00 gold pieces to support someone who spends the time to write stories and post pictures for the entertainment of all, even if they do decide to take a break or disappear, that isn't much of a loss. We dump millions into clothing and don't even play the character half the time. This one guild is asking for 1.2M to help build a place that anyone can enjoy and will be here even after they quit. A place that some people will enjoy more than others. Maybe even have a battle that will people will remember for years. Who knows, maybe their grandchildren will hear of the story.

All I know is that it isn't a big deal to ask for help, anyone who has lived life knows that everyone needs help sometime. Open your heart and enjoy life a little. It is a game for fun after all. We don't get to keep our gold pieces after the server closes.
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