Speedhacker Caught on Video (RampageOPP)

That is not speedhacking. If he was speedhacking he would be the worst toggler I've seen. He skipped frame once and this happen's all the time. Any internet related ping jump and or cpu performance jump in his favor or against you could cause that little pop he did. Tree hack and, like someone said up there, the resync all are factors in this as well.


Why do you look incredibly slow and lagged!? Anyone else notice that? Guess could just be the recorder he used..


Yeah a lot of screen recorder apps can cause similar issues but whoever he was in TS with noticed it as well. When I tried SH (back on OSI you homos) it looked exactly like the video. That was turned all the way up and a very early version. I can't confirm or deny anything with this video because all other counter points are valid arguments as well.

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