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  1. SteelSexi

    WTS N/A

  2. SteelSexi

    WTS I'm Back! And Soon.. My Valor-Rite Vendors As Well!

    I used to play this server.. for maybe six months or so, but had to stop playing back in June of 2014 or so.. Running vendors is how I enjoy the game.. and my goal was never quite complete... that goal was becoming UO:Forever's #1 vendor house with a HUGE variety of goods. I stocked my own...
  3. SteelSexi

    WTS Valor-Rite Vendors SHUT DOWN for undetermined amount of time!

    Hello everyone... As much as I hate having to do this, with my current RL - I no longer have the time to stock my vendors at Valor-Rite Vendors. I did enjoy it, and also enjoyed talking and supporting all of my loyal customers, you all have been great! So for now I want to say good bye to...
  4. SteelSexi

    WTS Looking for Exorcism GM weapons you said?

    Valor-Rite has SIX of them in stock RIGHT NOW! 2 GM Exorcism bows, 2 GM Exorcism Katanas, and 2 GM Exorcism Fencing weapons (kryss/short spear). Get them before someone else gets there first! ;-)
  5. SteelSexi

    WTS Valor-Rite Vendors Customers Important Message...

    Hello to all my faithful Valor-Rite customers out there. I want to apologize, but I've recently had a RL crisis and a loss in the family. I have lots of family coming into town from across the country and a lot to deal with... So what that means is the next week to 10 days or so my vendors you...
  6. SteelSexi

    WTS *** Valor-Rite Vendors Gives Back to UO:Forever ... ***

    To thank the awesome community here for helping me grow so quickly.... beyond what I ever intended or thought of (I originally planned on a recall vendor and a gm armor/gm weapon vendor). My Valor-Rite Vendors now has 22 Vendors, usually stocked with all kinds of goodies and totals more then a...
  7. SteelSexi

    WTS Make Huge CA$H with a Vendor at Valor-Rite Vendors!

    Alright. My Valor-Rite Vendors has simply gotten more popular then I ever expected to it get.. and I simply cannot continue to spend 6-8 hours each day stocking all the vendors I once could stock in just an hour or two per day. Because I already know the income potential of all these vendors...
  8. SteelSexi

    Price Check on Bones please...

    Title says it all, just looking for what you people sell and expect to pay per bone. Thanks.
  9. SteelSexi

    WTS 115 Tinkering PS..Sold.. Several other PS left however! L00K!

    115 Tinkering, while others are asking 600k+ for this same PS with the recent craftable changes.. It's only 279K NOW at Valor-Rite Vendors! First come, first serve, this may not lost long! - Also have the 105 Tinkering for under 60k same vendor, Magika Goods.
  10. SteelSexi

    WTS ** Clothing Bless Deed ** 189k!

    On my vendor Bawdree Wards in the black gown on my rooftop at Valor-Rite Vendors. 189k! - First come, first serve! I only got one!
  11. SteelSexi

    WTB Bought, Thank you.

    Purchased the tailoring SS I needed, thank you.
  12. SteelSexi

    WTS PowerScrolls, Tinkering, Carpentry, 115 Mining!

    A few power scrolls for sale on my vendor Magika Goods on the rooftop of Valor-Rite Vendors. She not only has two 105 carpentry power scrolls at less then 25k each, but also has 5 carpentry skill scrolls at under 25k to pop you right up to that 105 after you eat it. So for less then 50k you...
  13. SteelSexi

    Some of you guys.. Are making me think about OMG....

    Some of you I see are seriously making me for the first time ever just think about OMG... making my first thief ever in UO. I can't believe what I am seeing. Now if I was a thief.... I know right where I would park. I'd GM hiding and stealth. And I'd stealth right up beside you folks...
  14. SteelSexi

    WTS Squishing the Rumors....

    I've heard now from two customers... That I'm closing Valor-Rite Vendors down. Not happening. Valor-Rite is continuing to grow at an unbelievable pace. I have met a ton of you at my vendors, talked with many of you. I gotta say that there a good many very good and friendly people on this...
  15. SteelSexi

    This may not be a bug.. but it used to work....

    I used to be able to take any of my characters to the Wrong dungeon entrance. Not when I try and go there, it simply tells me I am not allowed to travel there. Is this a bug or has something changed? Please excuse me if this is due to some change I am not aware of.. I did look through the...
  16. SteelSexi

    Can we please get collecting a BOD fixed somehow?

    58 items sold today to get a BOD from the tailor. over 45 items sold to get my smith BOD. It's utterly ridiculous, and I feel something is broken somewhere here. I don't ever remember anything like this even when the official UO started BODs way back when. Yes, sure we could make a macro to...
  17. SteelSexi

    WTS GM Repond Katana & More

    I have 1 Repond GM katana, an Exorcism GM Katana, an Exorcism GM broadsword, Several Elemental Ban swords and krysses, a silver gm Kryss, A dragon Slayying GM broadsword, several dragon slaying krysses and short spears, several orc slayers in both fencing and swords.. all sitting on Damon Slayer...
  18. SteelSexi

    WTS Get your "69" Fix

  19. SteelSexi

    WTB Yellow Dragon Scales.

    I'll buy red scales as well, but prefer the more common yellow dragon scales. If you have a lot you wanna sell off, let me know, PM me. Thanks
  20. SteelSexi

    NO More NPC "Low" Prices?!?!

    Okay what gives? I remember that the NPC prices has something to do with the factions. I don't know exactly how it all works however. But can someone please explain to me how since I started here, Trinsic, Vesper, and Moonglow used to offer lower NPC prices on goods such as 2g and 4g regs, 4g...