Blue PK Penalties


Lol, everyone knows you are full of shit, so keep the bullshit a coming!

The couple of guys? Wrong. 1 person invited me and that 1 person is gone.

Awww, I'm a scumbag?

Your failed tigermom should be sending me some Yuan! I'm the only person that can get you to talk like you are only half ********. Your above post was the closest thing to Engrish that you have ever posted on the forums. Give me your moms tele #. I've got to show her the breakthrough that we've made!

COOL STORY BRAH !!!!!!!!!!

Hope your kids will have better upbringing in the future !

FEEL SAD FOR U actually ..............

Are ingame pixels that important to u that u scam people that trust u ?

take it easy ! Just a video game !

lawl !


COOL STORY BRAH !!!!!!!!!!

Hope your kids will have better upbringing in the future !

FEEL SAD FOR U actually ..............

Are ingame pixels that important to u that u scam people that trust u ?

take it easy ! Just a video game !

lawl !

Speaking of taking it easy, have an easy, relaxing, fun night seeing

Deadpool, in theaters now!