Gold sink idea, and an useful one imho


With the ability to use a 3rd account, I bet I'm not the only one that would like to be able to migrate one of my characters to my 3rd account.
I don't know if it's possible without too much man hours needed, but it would be nice.
This could be a deed one uses within the moving character's backpack, a gump pops up, you write the new account and log out... and after say 24 hours the move is made.
This deed should be expensive, but not as expensive as the one used to get one more character slot on an account. Maybe something like 300K or so.


I think I remember the devs saying only 1-2 weeks ago that there will never be character transfers? I could be wrong but that's what I thought


I think I remember the devs saying only 1-2 weeks ago that there will never be character transfers? I could be wrong but that's what I thought
I dunno, I can't possibly read all posts and IRC chats, so you might be right.

The two reasons I see not to implement it are :
1. to prevent the sales of characters (but this can be circomvened with IP address check and with a delay between two transfers, for example allowing but one transfer every 6 months)
2. too difficult to automate it, then I guess it would add a lot of manual work (or maybe not ?) for Shane and co.

Maybe we'll get an answer from the top eventually ?


This is a regular asked for thing actually.

We don't do this for various reasons. Most people want to move a character for the sole reason of creating another in it's place for various reasons which in the long run to be honest 9/10 times slightly hurts the longevity and community of UOF.

We only allow 2 accounts and limited characters for a reason. This is exactly why. The original poster here made choices of each character they made which leads each of those characters down a path. In the end, if you want to create additional characters once you are maxed out ( or in this case, need the character on another account for some reason), you need to delete one.

IF you're going to have all pvpers, pkers etc, then so be it. You will have to buy all your kegs, bulk reagents, armour and weapons from other players. IF you're going to have all crafters, fishers, and tamers. So be it, you will have to rely on others to pvp on your side when you need it. These are examples but what this does is FORCE community social interaction.

Allowing the ability to freely transfer characters, create as many as you want etc REALLY hurts the economy, and social aspect in the long run believe it or not. If every person is self sufficient it isolates them from the community. They have ZERO reason to go seek out an alchemist, blacksmith, tailor or otherwise because they made their own.

I know this, because this is what i did on every server i played. I've learned 3 accounts is too much- What makes UO what it is, is that every decision you make takes you down a path that (SHOULD) force you to stick with. That is a main key to the nostalgia factor of UO as well.

It's a lot of psychological stuff i guess, but it's very true, and because we really understand this is one of the key reasons UOF is where it is today..
If everyone had their own crafters, theifs, tamers, pvpers, pkers, provo's, etc... NO one needs to ever contact anyone for basic things. Removing a huge chunk of socialization out of the game. That is why guiding people to the Britain bank is huge, and why doing sales at BB is huge. Socializing in game, instead of all 3rd party means (Forums, messengers etc).

WE won't ever have Soulstones.
You cannot transfer characters or your character skills.
IF you go red, we will not remove your counts.

Each choice you make is a path you've set upon and need to play with.
This is what made UO unreal.

For the record, it took about 5 seconds to find this.