Hail all!


New Member
Hail fellow UO'rs, my name is PezDragon. I playe UO back in the day on Great Lakes server as Pez and TIberious. You may remember gankning me or finding my corpse lol. Having played UO it prepared me...toughened me up to online gaming. Getting res camped...seeing your best armor being worn by your slayer...after that...nothing will bother you lol. Looking to get back into UO as a provo/tamer. I'm just starting PezDragon and am looking for help with stats to start. i.e. int/str/dex which skills to put at 50 etc. Thx in advance, PezDragon.

Josh D

Welcome Pezz, I was a great lakes player too 99-2001. (MC Hammer - GOD guild).

PM me any questions you may have