multi-faceted charged crystal Area:Destard


well turn them in anyway because you get a chance of getting a Meta Talisman relic

A few of the bosses are summoned by empowering Dungeon Altars with 50 crystals. These crystals have a chance to drop on creatures in the dungeon. To charge an altar with a crystal, double click the altar and target the crystal. You can also target your backpack or sub packs within your backpack and it will search for all valid crystals. The dungeon crystals will spawn on all mobs at death on a 5% chance. They will only spawn if a dungeon altar is placed in that specific dungeon region and will decay after 24 hours.

All dungeon altars have a chance to award a Meta Talisman relic. To be eligible for a chance at the relic, you must contribute crystals the altar. At the end of the boss fight, there is a 25% chance that someone who contributed will receive a relic straight to their bank. You do not need to be alive or in range of the boss/altar for this to happen. The more crystals you contribute, the greater chance you have to win the relic if it drops. If you contribute all 50, you will have that 25% chance of receiving a relic. If you contribute just one crystal, you will have a 0.5% chance.

Young Star

Basically it is a raffle ticket. If you turn it in at the alter it gives you 1:50 chance at a relic if one is awarded in that round. The relics that are awarded are worth at least 1m. Several are worth over 5m.

You dont have to participate in killing the boss for a chance at the relic. You just have to contribute to summoning it with the 50 crystals.


The alter is in th be north-north west of the dungeon against the top wall. Little red table next to a gate and ank.

Double click alter and select the facet to tribute it. After a boss had been defeated i think there's a 6 hour cool down before you can charge the alter again and summon the boss. Will pop up saying try again in x hours and y mins.