Promoting healthy and fun PvP

I participate in every aspect of the game I just do it with a higher risk than others and reap better benefits because of it.

You only play a blue, run the entire map, never solo, play with known cheaters and more often than not act as a blue healer to eqms.


These changes only benefit eqms, they want to be able to 10v1-3 players more easily. It means the real reds will get instant statloss from the zerg more readily and blue players who defend their spawns get auto raped and the associated meta statloss.

EQMS are just trying to push this since prey is down on the server (due mainly to lack of new content and forgotten promises).


I really wish you had made a thread for the easy sells and a different one for the tough sells. Because I feel like the easy sells got lost in this thread. I'll just comment about the stackable potions.

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD YES. It's something we all expected when stackable potions were put in. And what's worse is that the potions are super buggy and won't even re-stack most of the time after they've been looted. Half the time, looted potions are "tainted" and you need to re-log or dump them back into a keg and re-pour.

What also happens is that dying outside of PvP is just tedious. Nobody likes to die, but it sucks when it's just downright tedious. Die to a balron or something, res, loot potion after potion after potion after potion, as you slowly die of boredom. Or when two guildies are messing around you'll get "aww cmon man don't actually kill me, then I'll have to loot my pots."

Someone else said it above: this is 2015 and there's just no need for this tediousness. Keep the stacks at 10 max, fine. Totally fair. But let them stay stacked regardless of death.


You only play a blue, run the entire map, never solo, play with known cheaters and more often than not act as a blue healer to eqms.


These changes only benefit eqms, they want to be able to 10v1-3 players more easily. It means the real reds will get instant statloss from the zerg more readily and blue players who defend their spawns get auto raped and the associated meta statloss.

EQMS are just trying to push this since prey is down on the server (due mainly to lack of new content and forgotten promises).
go fuck yourself
You only play a blue, run the entire map, never solo, play with known cheaters and more often than not act as a blue healer to eqms.


These changes only benefit eqms, they want to be able to 10v1-3 players more easily. It means the real reds will get instant statloss from the zerg more readily and blue players who defend their spawns get auto raped and the associated meta statloss.

EQMS are just trying to push this since prey is down on the server (due mainly to lack of new content and forgotten promises).

I have a red, I just delete them if I get 48 hours of statloss and make a new one.

I solo all the time, sorry you don't know all my character names.

This benefits new players most of all, also helps players who have no interest in PVP.

I thought you were banned from the forums aga.


I have a red, I just delete them if I get 48 hours of statloss and make a new one.

I solo all the time, sorry you don't know all my character names.

This benefits new players most of all, also helps players who have no interest in PVP.

I thought you were banned from the forums aga.
True forum warriors can never be banned.


I think the majority of the server is pretty much in favor of stacked potions upon death. And yeah even stack the purple ones. Why not?


You only play a blue, run the entire map, never solo, play with known cheaters and more often than not act as a blue healer to eqms.


These changes only benefit eqms, they want to be able to 10v1-3 players more easily. It means the real reds will get instant statloss from the zerg more readily and blue players who defend their spawns get auto raped and the associated meta statloss.

EQMS are just trying to push this since prey is down on the server (due mainly to lack of new content and forgotten promises).

This change has nothing to do with EQMS -- it benefits everyone as it punishes blue griefers(those who take counts daily on a blue) and reds and makes their decision to kill innocents a little more costly.

Anyone who complains about this change is someone who enjoys blue PKing which is undoubtedly worse for the shard and new players than playing an actual PK(newbs see a red and know its time to recall, they see a blue and get griefed/blue PKd and they think the community is full of scum).


Refer to previous posts, I already gave you numerous scenarios on why this is a bad idea. Of which you replied with one line answers, failing to address the concerns and doubtfully even reading, judging from this response.

And we all know @Fattson is on the eqms dole.

It's true. I guess the secret it out. So next time you poker players wanna go all in pre flop, know that if I lose, I will use my alli chat powers to destroy you!

My zerglings will block out the sun....


There has been a couple of times where I attacked a blue simply because I thought he was about to attack me. So yeah there are a lot of scums here lol. I figured if he's about to do something then I'm not gonna give him time to prepare. That may be due to the fact that I was attacked by a lot of blues when I first started here. And yes I currently have 3 counts so I'm as guilty as anyone.

One guy just kept walking around my house and since it's only a plot I knew he wasn't just enjoying the layout.


Yes, you have to DEAL with the battles you dont want to sometimes -- whether you deal with it by fighting or getting a gate out. You shouldnt be able to recall out of any situation you find yourself in.

All anyone hears when you post shit like this is "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah our massive zerg failed to fucking dump 5+v1 and he was able to recall away".

IF it was a solo red coming in vs a solo blue or hell even 2 reds vs one blue I could MAYBE see there being a point in this somewhere. However as that is a very rare occurrence as even the "greatest pvpers" call in for way more then is needed when they start losing a 1v1. I'm going to have to say no.

I don't dislike you, or EQMS but let's be honest; the changes you are asking for benefit your zerg more than anyone else. "We don't like when people run, so let's have Bolas". Well MAYBE and here's a thought stop out numbering people so badly that they know they cant stay and fight. I won't run from ANYONE (assuming I don't have a PS,relic,title scroll etc) regardless of name/skill/template 1v1 sometimes 1v2, but the second that fight turns into 3+v1 I'm at a major disadvantage and no longer want to fight it, or at the very least will run until those 3 aren't as close together before turning and fighting. The sad thing is it's very common for a 1v1 to turn into a 3,4,5+v1.

We don't HAVE to deal with shit.


Exactly. If ganking wasn't SO common I could live with this proposed change (as stupid as it is), but seeing how even the mighty POWER (lol) calls in 3 people every time they see my tamer I'll have to say fuck that.
I'd rather have bolas


Or you know, just stop blue pking...

It's not pking, it's defending myself and my loot when someone griefs me.

I pk solo or with 1 friend all the time and we can always kill our preys, I fail to see how you can have problems of blue recalling away from you when you gank in groups of 5+.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you guys, you have it easy enough as it is on this server, do you really want to gank blues 5 on 1 without them even being able to try to run away (bolas) or recall (this bs no recall with 1 count rule) l? lol

Not everyone has to play THE WAY YOU WANT TO, there have already been enough changes brought by eqms tears, maybe it's time to own the shard without having everything spoon fed to you?

I used to support you, but lately it's just been request after request to turn the shard into a gankfest that better suits your guild's needs


Bolas are for factioners... Im not sure why you think the solo blue bard is going to get bolad?

This change is to add penalty to people who blue PK or outright PK -- this is a rule that was in on uoforever and made the shard have 100% less blue griefing than UOF does. Do you really think blue PKing should have no penalty like it does now(you can macro off 3 counts a day here so blues can "blue PK" 3 people a day).

You cant truly grief in UO without going grey... if you feel the need to blue PK someone(because they upset you with their shit talk) than there should be a consequence for it.


Haly I think you missed what is being suggested.
The suggestion is that any blue with a count (even if it was days ago) would not be able to recalled if flagged (even if not aggressor).
I see what you are referring to now - thanks for the clarification.

Might I suggest (to everyone), that while it is acceptable to have a passionate opinion, it is even MORE acceptable to provide a counter solution to those you disagree with. This is the suggestions and ideas forum, not F&R/R&F/PVP. The expectations is that posters are constructive in their comments.

We all want a better UO experience, let's work towards that goal not away from it.


Bolas are for factioners... Im not sure why you think the solo blue bard is going to get bolad?

This change is to add penalty to people who blue PK or outright PK -- this is a rule that was in on uoforever and made the shard have 100% less blue griefing than UOF does. Do you really think blue PKing should have no penalty like it does now(you can macro off 3 counts a day here so blues can "blue PK" 3 people a day).

You cant truly grief in UO without going grey... if you feel the need to blue PK someone(because they upset you with their shit talk) than there should be a consequence for it.

it's 24h for one count, so no, you cannot macro off 3 counts in one day.

And there are MANY ways to grief without going gray, are you under the influence?? Just a few examples: Luring spawn, casting invis on a bard breaking all provo, looting after doing only 5% damage, walling to get you killed, shit talk etc etc

By attacking a blue i go grey for 2 minutes, that's my punishment. Anyone can come and is free to attack me for that time.

But fuck you if i'm doing my own business and your gank squad comes and i cannot even recall lol.

It's been said 20000 times but some people are slow, so i'll reiterate: THIS IS NOT uoforever