Provo Archer build help


Rikket brings up some valid points.

If I can't quickly grab their bar using razor I'll use the control + shift trick to bring up all bars and you can easily drag from there.

Like Rikket said, make a Provo macro, target nearest grey & red and use the target nearest in dicey situations.
This trick would look like this below;
Provo Macro, Walk close to first target and hit target closest red(Undead Knigh#1), walk closer to second target and hit your target closest red macro again(Closest to Undead Knight#2).

Personal fav is run in hide close by, pull bars wait 8s~ for cool down Un-hide and start your Provo and just bang them down evenly.


Right now my provo build is archery/tact/anat/heal/music/provo 65 magery 35 resist

Hit rate can make you want to punch a kitten on higher end mobs. So I was considering dropping magery and resist for arms lore or discordance cause I never use my magery for anything other than recalling and the occasional teleport cast. I was told that arms lore only gives mod if you are a meta character. Is that true?


Yes. Once you have the talisman, GM armslore will change the min hot rate to 50%

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