Fix Discordance and Peacemaking.


Nah, they shouldn't flag grey. We should just make it so that it is not even possible to discord or peace a tamed pet... that way it takes the choice to grief completely out of the picture.

...or... ...discord and peacemaking can be left completely alone as no changes need to be made to either skill.

oh btw @TheFallen --- "nostalgia"
Way to throw me into your reply but not address any of the issues I brought up. A good grief player gets people to quit and population is more important than one aspect of one players game.


...Apparently you were bluffing so here ya go..

Won't anyone think of the poor griefers.
That's what I've been saying! Think of the players that play UO as a griefer.. They are truly just role players... I thought we liked role players here... or only Orks that we laugh at good enough to play on this shard?

I'll tell you @halygon why no one will think of the griefers.
Because the ultimate win for griefers is to get a player to quit and sorry @limlight but population above all (but only slightly above ingots).
I really don't think this is true. The ultimate win for a griefer is to get under someone's nerves. If everyone quit, how would a griefer continue playing as he/she wants to? They can't. It's all in good fun, as it was said before, if you let them get to you, then you are just helping them out. It's their choice to play as a griefer just as it is YOUR choice to not play as one.

Now time for a previous loss to come back and bite you @halygon. What happens to the poor griefers now if they become Grey. Well guess what magic reflect got a nice fix so now they can grief and even step up their game and Noto kill as well.
Well damn, that was mean. Is this where I get upset about a poor choice that the staff made? I don't hold grudges, so I already don't care.

Ok so let's get this change and actually encourage pvp and action not just trying to piss people off into quiting.
Again with this? No one wants anyone to quit (ok.. maybe we all want LHR or Raged to quit -- but that's beside the point) Everyone just wants to have fun -- their OWN way, which may not be YOUR way.

hmm.. I think I forgot something...

... oh Yeah!

PS. If I hear nostalgia one more time I'm going to lose my mind. This uo has team speak and UO assist and cannot be expected to be played the same as 1999 changes must be made and should be made for what's best now. Nostalgia holds true irregardless of small game play changes.



Well you have given me credit for havings mind to lose so thank you for that. Also I command you on always being the Devils advocate it's not an easy road. Now unfortunately it is true nothing is better for a griefer than getting someone to rage quit. Griefing is a major part of uo and we have all done it at some point to a certain extent. I stand by population above all. What makes a great server is population. So although I have only once had a pet discord and I just killed him and moved on so I don't think it is a huge deal personally I don't like the idea of losing players who obviously have invested time into the server by having tamers to players who only want to make life difficult and (put on your tinfoil hat) might be working for other servers just to drive our players away.


Well you have given me credit for havings mind to lose so thank you for that. Also I command you on always being the Devils advocate it's not an easy road. Now unfortunately it is true nothing is better for a griefer than getting someone to rage quit. Griefing is a major part of uo and we have all done it at some point to a certain extent. I stand by population above all. What makes a great server is population. So although I have only once had a pet discord and I just killed him and moved on so I don't think it is a huge deal personally I don't like the idea of losing players who obviously have invested time into the server by having tamers to players who only want to make life difficult and (put on your tinfoil hat) might be working for other servers just to drive our players away.

I seriously doubt anyone who has spent the gazzillion hours to make a tamer is going to quit because of someone pissing them off. There is more than one place to hang out, so even if a guy is at one place 24/7, they can be avoided. They have as much right to do what they want (and grief) than someone who wants to kill ratman to get a pretty white scroll icon.

Hell most people won't even delete a character, let alone quit the shard, if they spent the time to train taming (well except for me) because of the dedication required to GM it.

But I think we are getting off the subject. Short and simple, there is no problem here to be fixed.


Ok then let's keep it simple. If I take away 20% of someone/somethings hit points I am certainly doing a Direct negative act and should have to deal with a gray tag.
My vote is if you grief go play one of these new 2014 games.. the crap ones that your trash money hungry corporations made. Leave the skilled classic games like UO to the older more mature audience. TY good bye

a guy

All I have to say is that peacemaking and discordance basically remove the skills that make a characters template 7x and so forth rendering your pet useless or changed in a way no other skill can be manipulated seen for a criminal action by most but isn't fixed to being a criminal action in use, everyone would probably agree that it should be a criminal action when using these bard skills against a player or their pets.