Meta Mage Talisman and Relics - Tweaks and Ideas


I gave up on my magi talisman after 1 night. Played for 5 hours straight and got 2k exp. Armor is a no-go and I have to run away and meditate for 30 seconds after every dump. I used at least 1k-2k ea reg during that span as well.

I got the same 2k exp on my dexer talisman in less than 1 hour than I did in 5 hours on the magi talisman while using about 100 bandages.. Magi talisman is nice but needs some work.


That is kinda why I'm not sold on the aggro thing. I can just picture dual clienting a tamer.

It's players that exploit that make the game harder for the rest of us... I really hope you can find a way to balance the EXP gains so they are similar to the dexer some how?

Either way thanks for looking into the eppy!


That is kinda why I'm not sold on the aggro thing. I can just picture dual clienting a tamer.
In any event though we are spending hundreds of thousands in resources while dexers repair a weapon and use some bandaids...

And with a cap per mob what is the best that could be obtained by dual clienting anyway? It would still be tedious?


And to add further, could you just make it so that EV/Summoned can have the aggro but not other players, etc, to avoid the dual clienting?


I was reading the UOF Wiki on the meta talisman ( and it says that it provides a dmg bonus of 20% per talisman level. @parsnip, please correct me if I'm wrong but I think you were telling me that you were doing 100-ish dmg lightnings to daemons WITH (the only) exorcism slayer spellbook.

I went to kill some daemons earlier and was doing about 30 dmg consistently with lightnings. That would mean that a lvl 10 talisman should give 200% dmg bonus and be doing about 90 dmg + the 100% slayer bonus (I think it's 100%) to make it 180 dmg lightning. So, I don't think things are adding up correctly unless the wiki is wrong.
  • My math may be wrong, it's like 10pm here so correct that too if I am wrong...
When you compare that to the dexer's slayer dmg doing 200+ dmg with a slayer war hammer or 100+ wth a slayer katana (remember, slayer weapons are more readily available compared to slayer spellbooks) the dmg of the magi talisman is too low... Not to mention being restricted by 100 mana and the dexer can swing as fast as he can without any penalty.
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Arch Enemy

To add to the actual topic of the thread, I agree with pretty much everything that everyone has been saying. Basically magi talisman is currently far too much work for far too little reward.

In my opinion, unless the magi talisman (when fully leveled with relics and everything) can farm as good as a tamer can, it's not worth it. I mean, why would I put in so much time and effort when it would be easier to make a tamer and earn more gold per hour too? What's the point?


@parsnip, please correct me if I'm wrong but I think you were telling me that you were doing 100-ish dmg lightnings to daemons WITH (the only) exorcism slayer spellbook.

Tried to get some numbers on daemons but they were being camped, so I went back to good old ettins. Here are the numbers using Lightning on regular ettins:

Base (No Talisman or Slayer Spellbook): 35, 37, 33, 33, 37 (175)
With Slayer Spellbook: 59, 59, 63, 59, 56 (296)
With Talisman: 82, 68, 68, 78, 66 (362)
With Talisman and Slayer Spellbook: 126, 120, 98, 126, 106 (576)

At level 10, the Talisman basically doubles your damage.


@parsnip were those numbers just regular hits without the focus relic activating? As to the other comments, I agree that the distance penalty can be removed for mage gains. Not so sure about the armour penalty - the same argument that it is not normal to fight with no armour as a mage can be applied to a dexxer too - very few run around with 0 protection normally.

A definite no to xp being gained from mobs that are not aggro on you and the same for gains from ev. Both options make it extremely simple for multi clients to be used with tamers/provo, or just follow a tamer around and take free shots at mobs all day long. You could also macro EV's with ease.

I am not sure what will be decided about the damage. Comparing the damage output of a PVM mage to a dexxer will never really be similar as mages have always sacrificed damage for the versatility of the large array of spells and also the relative safety of casting from a distance.


Even if the mobs had to be aggrod onto one of our summons, that would make a difference. Then we could summon something to tank for us while we blast away. In that case, having a tamer take all the aggro wouldn't help.

With respect to the suggestions in the original post, I like them all. Specifically, I think some kind of mana regen increase would be amazing. The limited mana pool and long duration to medi up has always been a "pain" that the mage has suffered in PvM. Helping curb that pain seems in line with the benefits of a talisman.


I totally disagree.

There is no reason for mob to have to be aggroed on the caster. No matter what the situation is we only have 100 mana then have to med. There is no huge bonus anyone would get as there is a time cap, period. And we would still have to use 50 mana to cast EV/summon to hold the aggro which we would have to med again. The only thing it would do is help us farm a little better which I thought was the point of these things?

I spent the entire night last night from like 9p-3am farming and still haven't even gotten past level 1. There is simply no way to beat the med time cap. So could you please at least remove the aggro issue?

Dexxers have no time cap. Tamers gain no matter what.

AR requirements are fine, no EV/summon damage toward xp is fine, eppy fixed the distance requirement (thank you!!!)

Edit: It's taken about 10-12 hours for 1 <--- level out of TEN levels for this talisman.

A meta egg could be at level 3 out of SEVEN in that time(I've done it twice.) And farming for gold easily. This is seriously out of balance timewise. There is no logical reason to pursue this. It's purely for 'something to do.'


I totally disagree.

There is no reason for mob to have to be aggroed on the caster. No matter what the situation is we only have 100 mana then have to med. There is no huge bonus anyone would get as there is a time cap, period. And we would still have to use 50 mana to cast EV/summon to hold the aggro which we would have to med again. The only thing it would do is help us farm a little better which I thought was the point of these things?

I spent the entire night last night from like 9p-3am farming and still haven't even gotten past level 1. There is simply no way to beat the med time cap. So could you please at least remove the aggro issue?

Dexxers have no time cap. Tamers gain no matter what.

AR requirements are fine, no EV/summon damage toward xp is fine, eppy fixed the distance requirement (thank you!!!)

Edit: It's taken about 10-12 hours for 1 <--- level out of TEN levels for this talisman.

A meta egg could be at level 3 out of SEVEN in that time(I've done it twice.) And farming for gold easily. This is seriously out of balance timewise. There is no logical reason to pursue this. It's purely for 'something to do.'

There is a reason behind this madness..... Were out here as naked mage bait for the Alchy dexer Pks :)


"You must rest before channeling talisman power again" What the timer on this? I died and it's been 20 minutes?