Recent content by keystonian123

  1. keystonian123

    1k Club Represent!

  2. keystonian123

    Introduce yourself (2015) (Archived)

    Heyo, keystonian here. Found this shard through childhood friends who texted me one day and asked if I dared take a dose of UO again after 10+ years. Was on shard within first month or two of launch been on the stuff since then. Very glad I came to this shard. I do not think there is a chance I...
  3. keystonian123

    Thank you!

    Go pack go. go adam/shane go.
  4. keystonian123

    /!\ New Balanced CTF Scoring system /!\

    Pts system is good on here balances a lot. AFK detection could be coded in, I assume, to boot if they stand still for x amt of time doesn't require a staffer to be there. Multi-clienting, I don't even think is a problem if the pt system gets changed unless someone has an some good ctf script...
  5. keystonian123

    /!\ New Balanced CTF Scoring system /!\

    Said this in mIRC but might as well put it here. The point system is great but, the rest is kind of meh. I think that currently CTF's essentially run themselves what you are suggesting is basically a staff member has to be inside of the CTF at all times which, basically means they would prob...
  6. keystonian123

    CTF Suggestions.

    Vendetta that was done when prizes got added to eventscore. The trophies are trophies but the event points can earn up to get some good stuff. Check out the prizes Adam added it's 5 pages of stuff.
  7. keystonian123

    WTS x

  8. keystonian123

    D-wade's BOD Cloth Guide

    readded those tier 3 thanks pc didn't even notice that
  9. keystonian123

    WTB 120 tinkering PS

    Give me now. Danke. mIRC: Keystonian_ Keystonian_Work
  10. keystonian123

    Stealth at 100?

    yea tucker
  11. keystonian123

    Stealth at 100?

    use scrolls. no fail. .. Stealth already has great perks on this shard aka the ability to instant stealth once hidden no skill cooldown. You do not even need to Use skill stealth it will just do it once you start walking hidden. You get unlimited steps. You can also see other stealthers as...
  12. keystonian123

    D-wade's BOD Cloth Guide

    Added the blaze and an outfit creator website.